Saturday, March 1, 2025

Broken News – Add Vance Directive

And A Sociopathic Pig Shall Lead Them...Straight To Hell

March 1, 2025

Petulant #47 had a sit-down in the Oval Office with Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Don-approved members of the press were present as was Don’s butt-ler VD Vance. And even with Vance there to double-team Zelenskyy it did not take long for Der Furor’s head to explode when Zelenskyy repeatedly refused to accept the Putin Peace Plan, wherein Putin gets as big a piece of Ukraine as he wants, and Trump aids and abets, believing that no one can detect his oh-so-subtle undying devotion to Putin. It did not help that Zelenskyy refused to grovel and just accept what he was being told to do. The sycophant Vance, jumped in, raising his whiny voice, arrogantly scolding Zelenskyy, the leader of a country invaded by Trump’s sugar daddy, as opposed to Vance who is the leader of Trump’s butt. Then Der Furor lost his shit and could not stop screaming at Zelenskyy.

Eventually, Disaster Don had Zelenskyy thrown out of the White Nationalist House and told he could only come back “when he is ready for peace” (i.e., ready to give in to Putin and Don). Given that Don previously held talks with Russia and Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia? WTF) about-and-without Ukraine, there was little Zelenskyy could have possibly done to achieve a different outcome.

One idiot cable news talking ass waxed incredulous as to why Zelenskyy, who surely knows the only way to get in Don’s good graces is to flatter him and kiss his volcanic-off-gassing ass, couldn’t just do that? Are you fucking kidding me? First of all, a person can only take so much lying, bullying and threats. Second, Zelenskyy surely also knows that Don’s word is written in urine, not ink, and any deal he might make is likely worthless. Not to mention Don said he thought Putin was a “genius” for invading Ukraine in 2022. Don and Vance were simply there to represent Putin’s position. 

Unlike his two apoplectic, condescending, rude hosts ambushers, the Ukrainian president did everything possible to maintain his composure and civility. How Zelenskyy refrained from leaping out of his chair and throttling the Bloated Orange Ham Hock and his couch-fucking cuck screaming nonsense at him and shilling non-stop for Putin is beyond this reporter’s comprehension.

Speaking of reporters, while AP and Reuters were not invited to the assassination attempt on Zelensky, Russian state media, TASS was. After Don’s one-sided (well, two if you count Vance) shouting match and claiming it was “going to be great television”, there were questions from the “press”. Some unknown puke from some unnamed outlet asked the critical question that went right to the heart of the matter: “Why don’t you wear a suit? You’re in the highest level of this country’s office, and you refuse to wear a suit? I just want to see, do you own a suit?” And so, the blatant invasion and subsequent near-total destruction of Ukraine was finally solved.

All we need now is some sort of final solution to the drowning of American democracy at the hands of the Trumpists.

Volodymy Zelenskyy seen here clearly choking back vomit, after his eyes
nearly rolled out of his head as Dementia Don yelled like a lunatic

Here is the Ukrainian ambassador to the United States watching the event

Here is Don’s Secretary of Steak, Little Marco

Rubio looking like he’s getting a detention,
while JD is looking pleased after blowing up the meeting

And here is Don’s chief-of-staff, Susie Wiles, whenever she is permitted to be in the room when Don opens his dumb fucking mouth…


Lindsey Graham, who just two weeks ago proclaimed to Zelenskyy, sitting right next to him, “You’re the ally I’ve been hoping for all my life”, suddenly changed his tune to “Putin, Putin he’s our man, if he can’t do it I’ve got neither spine nor soul and should be drummed out of office as a worthless slug of a man, so help me God. Don’s bitch is now calling on Zelenskyy to apologize* or resign from office for insulting Dear Leader. Ukraine has been bombed nearly into oblivion. The United States is in the process of being Trumped into the 19th Century.

There is only one person in this entire sad episode deserving respect and admiration and that is Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Every other player shown or mentioned above is a shameful coward, a traitor to democracy, and an appeaser of fascists .

*Geez, you’d think Zelenskyy got shot in the face by Dick Cheney or something.

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled Fight Club.