Saturday, February 15, 2020

An Open Letter to America’s Fiercest, Most Formidable Adversary


February 15, 2020
Dear Republican’ts:
We know what you did last summer, last month, last week and yesterday.  We have a fairly good idea of what you are planning for tomorrow, next week, next month and this coming autumn.  We can smell your foul breath and feel your icy grip on our necks, and we know what you are after.  You will do anything to destroy today’s America, and are frightened to death of tomorrow’s America.  You want to make America yesterday again.  And not just any yesterday, more like yesterday minus 170 years, give or take.  You will not succeed, but you will undoubtedly do – and have already done to a depressing degree – severe, if not irreparable damage along the way.  And we know who you are.  You are Donald Chrump’s hostages, devotees, enablers and protectors all wrapped into one.  You call yourselves the Republican Party.  You are in fact the anti-republic party.  You are a bunch of neo-fascist Banana Republican’ts.  This nation emerged out of a revolution against people just like you.

Chrump has remade the Republican’t Party in his own image
I hope all of you are proud of your decision to hijack the nation’s desire for a legitimate impeachment trial and to absolve Donald Chrump of any responsibility.  This despite knowing, in the place where most of us have hearts, that he was not only guilty of both articles of impeachment before you, but almost certainly of many other potential high crimes and misdemeanors.
Amazingly, some of you were stupid enough to publicly declare that Chrump had surely learned from his impeachment experience and would obviously not do anything wrong in the future.  That future lasted about 30 seconds – at least publicly.  I admit that Chrump probably will not call Volodymyr Zelensky on the phone and threaten to withhold military aid in exchange for dirt on the Bidens – at least not with any witnesses.  Even though Chrump’s mentally incapacitated personal attorney Rudy Giuliani continues to hawk his whacky wares directly to Chrump’s personal Attorney General Bill Barr, someone should probably tell these nitwits that Joe Biden’s campaign is over. 
To Paraphrase George W. Bush, “Rarely is the question asked: Is our presidents learning?”  Well, some of our presidents was not learning.  Then a bunch of disingenuous, aiders-and-abettors in the Senate tried to pretend that the most anti-learning president in history would somehow suddenly show remorse after being impeached and then becoming the only president in American history to have a member of his own – and it truly is Chrump’s own – party vote to convict on an article of impeachment.  A number of these senators opined, some of them opined aloud, some of them opined aloud in front of microphones and cameras, that surely, after the shame of being impeached and then chastened by being subjected to a fake trial in the Senate, Chrump would learn his lesson.  This impeached president did not learn.  He will not learn.  He cannot learn.  And he has absolutely no desire to learn.  Anything. From anyone.  Because, and he will tell you this, and has told many people, many times that he knows more about whatever it is you are talking about than anyone.
It’s not bragging if it’s true.  This is neither true, nor bragging.
It’s psychotic.
“He who knows does not speak.”
An old saying attributed to Bodhidharma.

Anyway, as we have already seen, there is an almost infinite number of other transgressions against democracy, the law and the Constitution that Chrump is not only willing to inflict, but has already begun in earnest since getting his permanent Get Out Of Jail Free card from Moscow Mitch – who continues to thwart every effort to improve security for our elections.
If you thought he was problematic before, check out the new improved Donald “Death To America” Chrump.  He's unbridled, he's unfettered, he's unleashed, unpredictable, unhealthy and unbefuckinglievable.  Bullets can't stop him; rockets can't stop him; we may have to use nuclear force.
Technically true, Constitutionally abhorrent, morally bankrupt
We finally found something that Chrump actually knows more about than anyone.  He knows how to break the will of the Republican’t Party strong-arm them to do whatever he wants them to do.  They are more frightened of him than Mike Pence is of being alone with a woman who is not his wife.
Whatever else you do, please at least make sure your precious leader cannot get his little hands on a loaded weapon, and if he does, for god’s sake keep him away from Fifth Avenue.
Ed Venture
Managing Editor, Paying Attention

*Impeach The Mother Fucker Again Already

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