Monday, February 17, 2020

Happy Washington’s & Lincoln’s Birthday Season Celebration

Presidents’ Day.  Happy?

February 17, 2020
Today we commemorate Presidents’ Day.  Notice I did not say celebrate.  I do not know how we can in good conscience celebrate a day with that name at this time.  Perhaps we need to be a bit more specific as to what we mean to celebrate in these unprecedented times when most Americans yearn to be unpresidented.
Two of the very few worth celebrating
Our current im-potentate has sullied and degraded the office of president practically beyond recognition.  What Ben Carson did for the public’s perception of brain surgeons, Donald Chrump is doing to the very idea of president.  You are likely sufficiently well aware of the particulars at this point.  If not, this might be a good time to steep yourself in Chrump’s myriad depredations.  His attempt at wrenching another term from the grasp of the American electorate is another of his crimes-already-in-progress, and along with it Chrump’s final solution for the Great Experiment of American Democracy.
Alexis Coe, author of “You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington” recently told an interviewer, “When people ask me, ‘What do you think Washington would make of this time?’ I say: I think he would have a huge problem with Trump, but he would have an even bigger problem with the Republican Party.  And they are everything he feared a party could be.  This moment in America is really his greatest nightmare.”
George Washington warned against fealty to party over country in his farewell address.  I don’t know if the descent was steady, few things in history are.  I do know that blind loyalty to party – particularly the Republican’t Party – is at peak perversity.  No one exemplifies this deterioration of the Framers’ intentions more completely than petulant poster child for party über alles Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. 
Moscow Mitch, as he prefers to be called, has unabashedly and repeatedly made clear just how obsessed with party over country he and his fellow travelers have become.  McConnell made it clear when he said his primary job was to make Barack Obama a one-term president, and then proceeded to prevent Obama from accomplishing any of the goals he was elected to achieve. 
McConnell reiterated his disdain for our nation’s protocols and beliefs when he blatantly obstructed the nomination of Merrick Garland to an open seat on the Supreme Court – McConnell manufactured a rare smile telling an audience that, “One of my proudest moments was when I told Obama, ‘You will not fill this Supreme Court vacancy.’”  Nice work (Beelze)bub.  
McConnell’s most recent attack on our country, in favor of his political party was his happy admission that (and he was not alone in this), “I'm not an impartial juror,” in advance of taking the special oath as part of his participation in the impeachment trial of Donald Chrump – an oath that specifically demands impartiality as part of a trial that until McConnell included witnesses and evidence.  While it could be said that few senators could be completely impartial in such a process, it would be nice to think there was some attempt to discern the facts before rendering judgment.
With any luck and the electoral equivalent of what Nancy Pelosi did to her copy of Chrump’s Misstatement of The Union  speech, Presidents’ Day might one day be something to celebrate without having a 16-ton asterisk hanging over its head and a 16-ton president hanging over ours.  George Washington is known as the Father of Our Country, and with good reason.  Donald Chrump will be known as the Executioner of Our Country, especially if he gets another four years to complete what he started when he oozed down his golden escalator in 2015.
The beginning of the end
I. Mangrey reporting.

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