Tuesday, October 19, 2021

It Might Be Time For America To Call The Suicide Prevention Hotline

October 19, 2021

Every Day Is January 6th Now

Ratpublicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee are trying to counter the majority report spelling out the treason committed by Turmp. They are saying that since Turmp did not succeed in overthrowing the United States government (Turmp’s second favorite government), no harm, no foul.

“You have reached the International Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
If you are a world superpower in a suicidal crisis, we're here
to help. Please remain on the line while we determine
whether or not it is too late.”

The disgraced, twice-impeached, virus-coddling/American-killing ex-president had some special advice for the January 6 Committee. The man who makes Benedict Arnold look like George Washington (one assumes Turmp cannot tell them apart) apparently knows what the investigation should find. The Orange Tumor spit out some of his best words ever: “The Unselect Committee of partisan Democrats, and two very weak and pathetic RINOs, should come to the conclusion after spending many millions of dollars, that the real insurrection happened on November 3rd, the Presidential Election, not on January 6th — which was a day of protesting the Fake Election results.” Admit it, wouldn’t that have been much better as a Tweet. Don’t you miss all his incessant tweeting. Of course you don’t. You have a very good brain.

Oh, what the hell, just for old time sake…

Sorry, this won’t happen again…with any luck

Some of the Ratpublicans who voted to convict the flagrant insurrectionist during his second impeachment, you remember, the emergency one that became necessary after Turmp and his very fine people 1) tried to hang Mike Pence, 2) tried to kidnap and/or murder Nancy Pelosi, et al, 3) assaulted hundreds of law enforcement, 4) ransacked the Capitol, and 5) tried to interfere with the certification of the 2020 and fucking overthrow the duly elected government of the United States, are holding their baby powder before rushing to judgment about what might ensue should Turmp decide to run/steal the 2024 election. After all, he is one-for-two. They don’t want to risk angering the Orange Gas Cloud.

Dangerous Douchebag Donald is intent on reclaiming his ill-gotten crown, America be damned. He does not give even one tiny rabbit turd about this country. He does not understand the Constitution; actually, this might be a bit unfair and more accurately stated: he is not even passingly familiar with the Constitution. Neither does Donald understand our voting system, democracy, or most of the words that dribble from his mouth.

Turmp is also claiming that all mail-in ballots in one Arizona county were “rigged” (i.e., for the other guy) and, “Either a new Election (sic) should immediately take place or the past Election (sic) should be decertified and the Republican candidate declared the winner.” Does anyone recall who that candidate might have been? I wish I didn’t.

And The Cheat Goes On

As of this writing, Turmp is still running for president in 2020, and possibly 2024 as well. He is running against democracy and hopefully from the law. Turmp has spent the past year trying to get ballots manufactured, changed, audited and thrown out. So far, all that has happened is an increase in the number of votes for Joe Biden – and these votes were discovered by insanely pro-Turmp Cyber Nitwits determined to overturn Biden’s election. There is no doubt that Turmp is looking forward to throwing out the first vote of the 2024 election.

Turmp practices throwing out the first ballot in 2024.
(You kids at home – when you throw something, look where
you’re throwing, not at your throwing hand like this maroon.
Also, try not to look like this is the hardest thing
you’ve ever done in your life and your face is broken.)

Turmp’s ongoing, slow-motion coup is not to be treated lightly. Certainly, the entire Ratpublican Party is taking it seriously, so seriously that they are willing to bet everything on orange. They will try to make America white again and eventually, the only way they will be able to sustain their bigoted vision of white-makes-right, will be much uglier than anything we have seen in our lifetime, at least in America.

Jimmy Kimmel offered Stormy Daniels a selection of mushrooms to choose from,
asking her which one most closely resembled President Donald Trump's genitalia.

These corporate-supremacists and white supremacists must be stopped asap. To paraphrase the original President Moron, George WTF Bush, “We cannot wait for the final proof, the smoking gun, to come in the form of a mushroom-shaped penis.” Or something like that.

I. Mangrey. Thanks for your angst.


  1. Sure, of course. If he didn't succeeed, no harm, no foul. I mean, there's no such thing as "attempted" murder.
