Friday, July 1, 2022

Taking The Fourth

Original Spin

July 1, 2022

The cancerous legacy of America’s disgraced, twice-impeached, treasonous, ex-one-term-president and failed blogger continues to poison the legacy of America itself. A legacy, I might remind you, that began with the (still ongoing, albeit in slower motion) genocide of the land’s original inhabitants, followed by the inhuman kidnapping and brutal (even by historical standards) enslavement of Africans. Throughout all of this gaudy freedom, women were given neither respect or rights of any kind. At least they weren’t slaves…well, not technically. In what can best be classified as utterly disgraceful, it was decided to count a slave as 3/5 of a person, but women did not even get a mention, honorable or otherwise.

Eventually, the genocide of Native Americans slowed down, the slavery of Black people was outlawed (unless you count the prison system), and women were finally given all the rights previously reserved for white men…just kidding, they were eventually permitted to vote and hold office. Oh, and, many decades later, finally allowed to make 82 cents on the male pay dollar for the same, and often better work.

Women’s Wrongs

One woman, Rep. Mary Miller (R-ILL), an anti-government libertarian who also gave Hitler kudos in the past, seems fine with all that has just happened and all that is about to happen. The day after the judicial murder of Roe v. Wade, Miller had this to say, “President (sic) Trump (sick), on behalf of all the MAGA patriots in America, I want to thank you for the historic victory for white life in the Supreme Court yesterday.” Miller’s campaign later tried to walk back what was at best a Freudian slip, saying she misspoke, though she could be seen reading directly from her script as those words fouled the air, and after uttering those blatantly racist words was seen applauding along with the considerably racist crowd who were also applauding and loudly cheering. Miller did not see fit to “correct” herself in real time.

Miller, triumphant after lauding “white life.” And look who’s right there behind her.

History Lessen

At long last, America would become what it set out to be – a world for rich, white men to run roughshod over not only their nation, but as much of the world as they could get their greedy hands on. Oops, I don’t think that was what was ultimately hoped for, though it sure was what was originally designed. And we finally elected a Black president, though he was immediately succeeded by the most racist white motherfucker in modern, if not all of, American history – a president, I may remind you, that was only elected on the technicality we call the Electoral College (also a racist artifact), a feat he thankfully could only accomplish one time – but don’t tell him that. He’s like the Japanese soldier who continued fighting WWII several decades after everyone else in the world agreed it had ended. Unlike the Civil War here at home that far too many think is still going on. It is unclear how many of these super-geniuses also believe that the Earth is flat.

Now that the Extreme Court has done its Medieval Two-Step backwards with their heinous assault on women’s rights, women’s health and women’s literal bodies, we are living in a fundamentalist…I mean fundamentally Cowardly New World.

Zappa – Jesus Thinks You’re A Jerk

Anyway, America’s birthday is nigh. Hence the nostalgic longing above. Independence Day. A day that has been celebrated for more than two centuries (at least by white folks).

I know many of you are looking forward to the upcoming holiday weekend as our great and glorious nation prepares to celebrate the Fourth of July – American Independence Day. Sure, you might not be feeling quite as gung-ho or patriotic as in other times, but fuck it, a day off is a day off. But, not so fast hippie trash, you will have to burn your flags some other day. Rumor has it that the Extreme Court (ostensibly) of the United States will be canceling Independence Day – and in short order any semblance of independence – since Independence Day is not in the Constitution that six of the (in)justices claim to be upholding.

Holding-up something is not the same as upholding it.

“Remember, there’s a big difference between kneeling down and bending over.” 
Frank Zappa

I. Mangrey resisting.

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