Monday, November 26, 2018

Thought For The Day

Still Frothing After All These Years

November 26, 2018                                              
It seems like only yesterday (it actually was) we were talking about the environment and climate change.  What seemed like fairly exhaustive coverage of all the stupidity turned out to be anything but.  The predictably useless former Senator from Pennsylvania managed to add his one cent.

“A lot of these scientists are driven by the money that they receive. Of course, they don't receive money from corporations and Exxon and the like. Why? Because they're not allowed to because it's tainted. But they can receive it from people who support their agenda and that, I believe, is what's really going on here…California is burning because they have bad forestry policies that left lots of fuel there for people on the floor of these forests to allow these fires to get out of control.”
        Deranged ex-one-term Senator Rick Santorum fact-freely weighing in on climate change

Why is Rick Santorum still allowed on television?  Why is CNN paying him to froth on air every weekHe claims to be a devoutly religious man, yet every time he opens his mouth, he proves he is an idiot and/or soulless hypocrite.  I wonder if he would enjoy a nice hunting trip with Dick Cheney.  I’m sure we could crowd fund it.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.

You're welcome. 

What is your thought for the day? 

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