Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fraught For The Day

Zeros v. Heroes
October 30, 2019
On one level I am glad to hear some Republican’ts – including, of all people, Liz Cheney and Moscow Mitch – acting as though their country actually means something to them for a change.  While the vast majority of Republican’ts are complicit by, at best, their silence, a number of them are chastising their colleagues for defaming yet another patriot who decided that just following orders was not in the best interest of the nation though it might be in the best interest of their ultra-corrupt, autocratic, wholly-owned-Russian-subsidiary of a president. 
As mentioned above, there was a degree of appreciation for all-too-few Republican’ts speaking out about their colleagues’ despicable behavior, but then I recalled the past.  Because my memory is longer than the typical goldfish or Republican’t, I have to ask: where were these suddenly conscientious conservatives when their minions were perpetrating the same filth on Vietnam War hero John Kerry in order to re-elect the-now-second-most-disastrous president in modern history?  One has to wonder if they remember the relentless, shameless, slanderous “Swiftboating” of Kerry when he ran against one of the many chickenhawk Republican’ts who dodged the draft and then held themselves up as military loving war-mongers.  Let us not forget the alcoholic, repeatedly AWOL from his cushy Texas Air National Guard post George W. Bush, the five-time deferred Dick Cheney, and current Pseudo-president and national security nightmare, Donald “Bonespurs-R-Us” Chrump. 
Republican’ts have no compunction about defaming anyone who dares disagree with them – they never have.  While Donald Chrump has raised this to an artform, it has been the bread-and-butter for Republican’ts for a very long time.  Impugning Purple Heart recipient, Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman is nothing new for these power-greedy, uncompromising fascists.  Vindman had the nerve to hear, firsthand, the pseudo-president committing what said president called a perfect phone call/crime, and then testify about said crime to Congress.  Just like Chrump, too many Republican’ts believe anyone who puts country above party is human scum.
Some of the patriots Chrump and Republican’ts consider human scum
for telling the truth to Congress 
So, resist the temptation to celebrate the heroic push-back by a few of today’s Republican’ts against most of today’s Republican’ts who continue the tradition of trashing patriots who call them out for their hatred of democracy in America.

This has been your Paying Attention Fraught For The Day.
You're welcome.
What has you fraught for the day?

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