Sunday, July 31, 2022

Schmuck Of The Day

Repeat Perpetual Offender Edition

July 31, 2022

As if standing in the way of his party’s extremely popular and desperately needed platform to support average Americans, fight the exploding climate crisis (which he has a blood-stained hand in exacerbating), stand up for women’s reproductive rights and secure voting rights was not bad enough, Sen. Joe Mansion, who is very rich thanks to his inherited, and continuing dirty coal money, told colleagues how he really feels about his beloved constituents.

Last December Manchin told colleagues he believed parents would use child tax credits to buy drugs and people would abuse paid leave to go hunting. That would still put them well ahead of Mansion when gauging their impact on society. We haven’t heard such tone-deaf bullshit since Mitt Romney. It’s not that there aren’t examples of people misusing safety-net funds for non-essential purposes, but when was the last time you heard some obscenely rich douchebag like Mansion or Romney decrying the billions of taxpayer dollars doled out to uber-profitable, deceptive, murderers like Exxon and their ilk?

You just can’t beat these arrogant, out-of-touch, self-serving, blood-money-made assholes. Seriously, you can’t beat them. Unless of course you yourself are rich enough to beat the assault and battery rap.

Defying all odds, Mansion was somehow persuaded by Chuck Schumer to sign on to what’s left of Joe Biden’s signature legislative agenda. Such as it was. Mansion spent months wrestling, wheedling, whining and whittling down Biden’s plan, formerly known as Build Back Better.

Apparently, in order to get Old King Coal to go along with wasting a bunch of money to keep the Earth habitable for humans (I hear some of Mansion’s best friends are human, very rich, but supposedly human) Democrats had to agree to include money to help speed up the environment’s demise by making it easier to mine, drill, frack and otherwise stay as busy as possible defiling as much of the Earth as he and his buddies can while we try to save it. Who was it who said, “You cannot simultaneously prevent and prepare for war.”? I think it was that Einstein guy, but what the hell did he know.

Oh, and the package is now known as the Inflation Reduction Act. Excellent marketing move.

So, for the moment at least Democrats have enough votes to move forward. Except for one thing. They don't. There remains one unpredictable, unreliable, irresponsible head case that goes by the name Kyrsten Sinema. She is not commenting. And Mansion could change his mind at any minute. It’s entirely possible he only relented knowing that Sinema would not, thereby taking the heat off of himself. Who the fuck knows?

Bobby Darin – Call Me Irresponsible

Special Schmuck-Of-The-Day shout out to another repeat offender – the entire Ratpublican caucus. They just voted against the PACT Act to help veterans suffering from health problems related to toxic burn pits – something they voted for just a month ago with an 84-14 margin

Jon Stewart v. Rafael "Ted" Cruz

Also, Susan Collins warned that same-sex-marriage talks are in jeopardy due to a Ratpublican hissy fit over Democrats winning on addressing the climate crisis and a tiny tax increase on corporations. Sore losers, sore winners. A canker sore on the body politic. And the nation.

So many schmucks, so few days.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Schmuck Of The Day. Fuck Joe Manchin, either way.

UPDATE #2 (3:00 PM):

When asked by fellow idiot Chuck Todd, “Do you want the Democrats to keep control?” Manchin dodged the question and started babbling about politics Joe Manchin style. When asked if he would support Joe Biden in 2024, Joe Blow again slipped into a response coma. Democrats really need to pick up two more senate seats in order to render Manchin and Sinema moot.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Fun Fact For The Day

Hershel Hears A Huh?

July 29, 2022

Ex-football star and current frighteningly uninformed and just-plain-stupid Georgia gubernatorial candidate Hershel Walker is so staggeringly ignorant that a normal person can actually become permanently less intelligent just by listening to him for more than five seconds. Walker’s staff has reported that they cannot trust anything the candidate says because he has been lying to them on a constant basis. Lying on a consistent basis is nothing new for Walker. Despite his frequent blather about the importance of family and being a good father, Walker has been lying about at least four out-of-wedlock children he may or may not have been supporting.

Walker lying about being an FBI agent while sporting a Cassius Clay t-shirt.
A Cassius Clay t-shirt, you ask? Don’t ask. He might answer.

There are also other fun facts about Walker’s past. Besides lying about being in the FBI, and threatening to blow his wife’s brains out while pointing a gun at her head, Walker has been diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. What has not been widely reported is that he also has singular-personality disorder. It seems unlikely that any of Walker’s personalities can form a intelligible sentence or manufacture a coherent thought.

Just thought you might like to know.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fun Fact For The Day.

Thursday, July 28, 2022


Cloudy With A Chance Of Fascism

July 28, 2022

Anyone without a decimal point before their IQ score who has allowed themselves to attend to any of the Jan 6 hearings has to admit that Trump has some serious ‘splainin’ (under oath) to do. Even though everyone knows that he would be perfectly comfortable lying under oath. But it would be fun to watch because the prosecution has the receipts.

“Hey buddy, can you spare a crime?”

The Clodfather continues his pathetic coup attempt. On July 19 – as in just over a week ago, as in 18 months after his miserably-failed agent-assaulting, lunch-hurling insurrection – Trump placed one of his patented Perfect Phonecalls, this one to Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos. Vos brushed it off as just another day at the office. According to Vos, “It’s very consistent. He makes his case, which I respect. He would like us to do something different in Wisconsin. I explained it's not allowed under the constitution. He has a different opinion.” Something you respect? Really? He has a different opinion? Are you fucking kidding me? Yeah, he has an opinion that differs from the fucking law and the Constitution. That does not simply qualify as “a different opinion.” That qualifies as BREAKING THE FUCKING LAW. Wait, don’t tell me, you would vote for him again should he become your party’s nominee in 2024. Read my lips: go fuck yourself.

Many people are talking about the fact that the January 6 Hearings are beginning to take their toll on Ratpublicans. Even some Trump supporters are starting to turn away from the disgraced, twice-impeached, treasonous, ex-one-term-president and failed blogger.

Finally, we hear that Attorney General Merrick Garland is turning his attention to the previous White House and what appears to be a vast, illegal and unavoidably stupid conspiracy to defraud, dismember and destroy democracy. Garland seems to be signaling that there is no one immune from his Justice Department’s investigation. Don’t hold your breath, but do keep your fingers crossed. And stay tuned.

The problem is, even though most if not all of these foul weather friends might slink away from Der Furor, they are in no way losing their taste for Trumpism, i.e., anti-science, anti-social, theocratic authoritarianism, with a heapin’ helpin’ of racism on the side.

Without a doubt, Donald Trump belongs in the dustbin of history. Right now. He needs to be in the rearview mirror, fading from view. But that will only solve the problem of Trump itself. Our eyes have seen the carnage of the coming of the Turd. His stench goes marching on. Gory, gory, how he do ya.

Richard Nixon tried to write his attempt at democracide off as “a third-rate burglary” though Watergate ended up being his Waterloo. Donald Trump’s attempt to end the American Experiment finally put truth to Nixon’s lie. Compared to the deadly Trump Insurrection, Nixon’s Watergate begins to look like a third-rate burglary indeed.

We’re gonna need a bigger dustbin.

I. Mangrey telling it like it should be.

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Questions For The Night

How’s Your Memory?

July 26, 2022

The January 6 Committee is taking a break from regaling us with their soon-to-be-Emmy-winning series of public hearings. Their work is nowhere near complete. It appears we will be hearing from them as they prepare the next season of The Old and The Feckless. One teaser being tossed around is the possibility of a subpoena for fascist-adjacent conspiracy aficionado and all-around crackpot Ginni Thomas.

Hey, remember when Ginni Thomas said of the January 6 Committee, “I can’t wait to clear up misconceptions. I look forward to talking to them.”? It was only five weeks ago, but it may not have gotten the airplay it should have. It should have been #1 with a bullet…as they say in the biz. Remember her riveting testimony? Me neither. I’m sure the committee would have made some time, maybe even primetime if she was serious about clearing up misconceptions.

And then, remember when 10 days after Ginni, thinking she would outsmart everyone, said she was looking forward to setting us straight, her lawyer sent an eight-page letter to the committee asking for justification as to why his client should appear? Did her lawyer remember that his client proudly volunteered to testify to “clear up misconceptions?” Does her lawyer know that Miss Ginni has something to hide? Maybe something she is too stupid to realize she should be hiding?

And remember when Ginni’s hubby and most corrupt justice in the Supreme Court’s history Clarence Thomas was the lone dissenting vote in a decision that forced Ginni’s hero and disgraced, twice-impeached, one-term president and failed blogger Donald Trump to turn documents over to investigators? I guess being the most corrupt justice in Supreme Court history affords one greater freedom to be a scumbag than the average Supreme Court justice.

Ahhh, the good old days.

But here’s the real question for tonight:

How long before Clarence offers Ketanji Brown Jackson the same Coke can he offered to Anita Hill?

These have been your Paying Attention™ Questions For The Night.

You're welcome.

What are your questions for the night? You up?

Monday, July 25, 2022

Thought For The Day

We Know What You Did Last January And We’re Telling Everyone

July 25, 2022

Season One of the zany, aggravating, depressing and joyous, highly rated and soon-to-be Emmy winning reality show, The Old and The Feckless – aka the January 6 Committee hearings – painted a picture of a mentally defective wannabe tyrant who would (and continues to) stop at nothing to be King of America. There can be no doubt that Donald Trump desired, plotted, incited and abetted an attempted coup.

I guess they can’t impeach a disgraced, twice-impeached, treasonous, ex-one-term-president and failed blogger, but can we exile one? If I were Donald Trump, and really no one should ever be Donald Trump, I would be wearing out the Google machine in search of any country that lacks an extradition treaty with the United States, and that would allow me entry and enter the witless protection program.

I hear Elba is lovely this time of year. 

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for the day?

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Moving The Coalposts

Bernie and the Haunted Manchin

July 21, 2022

As mentioned previously here and just about everywhere else, Sen. Joe Mansion (D/R-Coal) and his coal-powered pecker just bellowed a lusty and heartless-felt FUCK YOU to the world. He has been stringing us along for months. Moving the coalposts, pretending to negotiate. Bernie Sanders laid it on the line in spelling out Mansion’s Joe Job after the media broke the news of Mansion’s abrupt change of heartless:

“He didn’t abruptly do anything – he has sabotaged the president’s agenda No, look, if you check the record, six months ago, I made it clear that you have people like Manchin, [Arizona Sen. Kyrsten] Sinema to a lesser degree, who are intentionally sabotaging the President's agenda, what the American people want, what a majority of us in the Democratic caucus want. Nothing new about this. And the problem was that we continue to talk to Manchin like he was serious. He was not. This is a guy who is [a] major recipient of fossil fuel money, a guy who has received campaign contributions from 25 Republican billionaires. ... In my humble opinion, Manchin represents the very wealthiest people in this country, not working families in West Virginia or America.”

Bernie Sanders is rapidly running out of fucks to give

The White House issued a sternly worded comment. Well, sort of. A White House official, who requested anonymity (how brave) said in a statement, “The president made clear that if the Senate doesn’t act to tackle the climate crisis and strengthen our domestic clean energy industry, he will. We are considering all options and no decision has been made.” Wow, some anonymous putz took time from his or her busy schedule of not doing anything to let us know in no uncertain terms that “no decision has been made.” Whew. Now that’s what I call courage in the face of global disaster. Why make a decision when you can make no decision?

Midnight Oil – Beds Are Burning (1987)

Are you fucking kidding me? Are you seriously fucking kidding me? Or just fucking me? And everyone else. The president made it clear that if the Senate doesn’t act then he will? What the fuck. Wasn’t the cut-off date like 20 years ago?* Did the president miss the part where Joe Mansion just flipped off Democrats and the Earth? The fucking Senate already did not act. That was in the past. It has already happened. The fact that it is continuing to happen does not negate the fact that the Senate already didn’t act. Not only have they already not acted, but there is zero chance, at best, that they will act in the future. So, Mr. President – fucking do something already. Like, now. We’re waiting. And dying.

The record-breaking Great Heat Wave of 2022 has already killed more than a thousand worldwide as many hover around 100°F across the globe, with 100,000,000 Americans spending almost a week under an extreme heat advisory. Shit's on fire everywhere. According to scientists, the level of climate catastrophe we are currently experiencing will not be the new normal. Good news, you say? Well guess again. In a few years we will be looking back on today’s horrific climate-crisis-influenced mess with great fondness.

[If we do nothing sufficient now to mitigate the climate crisis], “we will see an increase in these types of events. They become more frequent, more severe, and we see events that we’ve never seen before. You know, there’s a tendency to talk about this kind of heat and say, well it’s the new normal. Unfortunately it’s not the new normal. It’s what we’ll be nostalgic for in a few years if we continue the way that we are moving the world’s climate right now.”
Benjamin Zaitchik, Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Johns Hopkins U

Mansion claims he is only interested in what’s best for West Virginia and all Americans, and he is just worried sick about inflation. Some people, including this reporter, would be inclined to describe this as bullshit. Now, it might be bullshit because he is too old to care if the climate crisis will fuck the planet beyond what humans can tolerate. Or, it might be bullshit because Mansion doesn’t understand how fighting climate crisis is also good for West Virginians, all Americans and the economy. But my money is on it being bullshit because Joe Mansion is full of shit. He does not give a shit about West Virginians, Americans or any other people, or the economy/inflation. He is a greedy, arrogant rich bastard in nice guy’s clothing…well, expensive clothing.

To Quote VP Joe Biden: “This Is A Big Fucking Deal.”

Why won't President Biden declare a climate emergency? What exactly would an emergency look like? Would we be able to see it, or would our eyes have already burned up in our heads?

Paul Revere & The Raiders – Too Much Talk (1968)


Why isn’t the Secret Service under arrest for destroying government records…and for not letting Donald Turmp get shot – not killed mind you, just shot…say in the middle of Fifth Avenue, or something like that.

*It was probably much longer ago than that, but why quibble over the habitability of our planet.

I. Mangrey

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Question For The Day

What The Flag

July 20, 2022

Looking back at my younger years, dissenting against this and that, while protesting the intrusion of Gerald Ford within sight of Independence Hall, on the occasion of the American bicentennial, a fellow demonstrator, paying homage to the First Amendment, burned an American flag. Many people believe that burning the flag should be a crime, not a perfectly legitimate expression of one’s First Amendment right to peaceably assemble and petition for redress against, say a fake president letting his criminal predecessor walk away scot-free.

Looking back at the violent insurrection led by Donald Turmp on January 6, 2021, and the sight of Turmp’s white nationalist stooges attempting to overturn a legitimate election based on a Big Lie, using the flag not in service to the First Amendment, but in service instead to the Second Amendment, using American flags as weapons with which to assault law enforcement officer. This left me with a question:

Which is worse, burning a flag as a symbol of one’s disapproval of our government’s policies or using a flag to bludgeon law enforcement officers as a symbol of desiring fascism?

This has been your Paying Attention™ Question For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your answer for the day?

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Paging Merrick Garland

Truth Social Or Consequences

July 19, 2022

Trump, his son Don Jr., and others quietly slithered out the back door last month from the board of flailing social media platform “Truth Social”* just as the subpoenas came in the front door. The company is under investigation for financial shenanigans. What a surprise.

The world's biggest baby is hoping to find an even bigger back door in hopes of avoiding federal prison. In a desperate attempt to distract everyone from his ongoing investigation/litigation smorgasbord, disgraced, twice-impeached, treasonous, ex-one-term-president and failed blogger Donald Turmp is expected to announce his intention to begin the process of staging another coup in January 2025, i.e., another presidential campaign (one in which he will most assuredly lose the popular vote by an even larger margin – by far – than he did previously…twice). Those 11,780 votes he tried to illegally acquire in Georgia won’t even bring Turmp within a mile.

I just wanna find 11,780 votes

The staff here at Paying Attention™ has been talking about this for a while, and now Rolling Stone magazine has made a story out of it: Dangerous, dimwitted, demented, discount Don is convinced that by running for president – something he seems destined to do for the rest of his unnatural life – he will be shielded from being dragged through federal court, and possibly locked up. Fortunately, even if that turns out to be true, The Orange One can still be proven guilty and punished in state court. There are currently two from which to choose – Georgia and New York.

To paraphrase Rufus T. Firefly, “Turmp may talk like an idiot and
look like an idiot, but don’t let that fool you…he really is an idiot.”


“When somebody’s the president of the United States, the authority is total. And that’s the way it’s gotta be. It’s total. It’s total.”
                           Donald J. Trump, April 13, 2020***

If Turmp somehow does succeed in oozing back into the White House, and is not fast enough at causing global thermonuclear war, or inducing a catastrophic acceleration of the already apocalyptic climate crisis, he would likely set what will be an eternally unbreakable record for impeachments, especially if he manages to serve the four or five or twelve terms he is planning on. Turmp’s projected monthly impeachments will stand longer than Wilt Chamberlain’s record of averaging more than 50 points per game in one season. And while Wilt’s alleged record of sexual encounters pales in comparison to the number of people Turmp has fucked, it is assumed that in Wilt’s case there was probably a good deal of mutual happy endings, no one ever got off being fucked by The Donald…with the possible exception of Stormy Daniels spanking him with the Wall Street Journal.

Justice Department policy forbids the prosecution of a sitting president, effectively insulating Trump from any federal charges for another four years. But really, policy/schmolicy. When dealing with an asshole the size of Turmp, who ignored every policy he could squat on, how in the name of all that is holy can anyone dare stand on ceremony. Besides, Justice Department policy, last time I looked, is not in the God-given/God-forsaken Constitution. So, hopefully all bets are off. But I won’t be holding my breath.

Turmp is like a box of chocolates…
a melted, bug-infested, mold-inundated box of chocolates
Seriously, just throw it away
; better yet, incinerate it

Run, Donald, Run

I guess we will soon find out if he can shoot America in the face in broad daylight and still not lose any votes...or his freedom...and ours.

Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band – Run Paint Run Run

*two words with which Daddy Turmp is so unfamiliar that he was unable to utter them without
his brain melting just a little more
**Most Vile Putz
***Yes, he really fucking said that.

I. Mangrey rushing to judgment.

Sunday, July 17, 2022

Broken News - Donald The Hutt


A Clear And President Danger

July 17, 2022

After extensive talks with himself, the 45th and disgraced, twice-impeached, treasonous, ex-one-term-president and failed blogger has apparently decided that he has made a decision regarding his stunning and futile attempt to become America’s 47th and final president.

Turmp told reporters that should never have given him the time of day, “Well, in my own mind, I’ve already made that decision, so nothing factors in anymore. In my own mind, I’ve already made that decision.” Forgetting the fact that he was trying to keep “that decision” as a teaser but is chronically unable to control what his mouth says, the Orange Gas Cloud added that his “big decision” was really whether he announces “that decision” before or after the midterm elections. “Do I go before or after? That will be my big decision.” Such big decisions for such a tiny, mildewed brain.

Scummer re-run: Oops, he’s doing it again

The funny thing is, Turmp never stopped running since the day he oozed down that escalator and went full Furor. He didn’t stop running in 2016 – after winning the (anti)Electoral College – whining incessantly about not winning bigly enough. Turmp continued to fight for the size of his “victory” (and his crowd size) until he lost by a landslide in 2020. To this day, he is still running to be president in 2020 as he “decides” what to do about 2024.

One who is not a lawyer might wonder if it would not be wise, if not necessary to indict a person alleged to have committed high crimes, not to mention misdemeanors and dereliction of duty, before such an unhinged individual who has led a life of crime, formally announced a presidential candidacy. I’m just asking questions, not in proper question form admittedly, but looking for answers nonetheless. Running for president should not be a get out of being-frog-marched-into-court-and-hopefully-thrown-in-jail free card.

In any event, should Turmp attempt to use another presidential run as a shield against justice, Merrick Garland would to well to take a page out of Mitch Fucking McConnell’s playbook and piss all over convention and completely ignore any and all election schedules, indict the motherfucker, and give him a trial that is as fair as Garland’s Supreme Court nomination process.

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled fear and loathing.

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Joe, Blow

Joe Mansion Is Full Of Fossil Fuel Shit…Again

July 16, 2022

Mothers of Invention — Absolutely Free

Obviously, there are many pressing issues taking up our neurological bandwidth: Russia’s brutal scorched-earth/war-crime-spree in Ukraine, intolerable gas prices and inflation in large part driven by corporate greed and the shamelessly, if not purposefully, incompetent reign of Donald Turmp, the ongoing, ever-worsening climate crisis, the riveting public hearings of the January 6 Committee, and as if that weren’t enough to curdle your colon, the looming midterm elections. Just because he was able to hide from the headlines behind this curtain of disasters, we must not forget all the damage that continues to plague America at the hands of long festering sore Sen. Joe Manchin (“D”- Coal). While Mansion was hiding, he did manage to record a campaign ad for a Ratpublican candidate in West Virginia.

At least someone is enjoying themselves as our environment and democracy crumble.
Oh wait, they are the ones ensuring these things happen.

Just the other day, Mansion came out of his hole, saw a shadow, cursed the Sun, and kicked his party and the American people in the crotch again. He has once more insisted that he will not entertain any funding for fighting the climate crisis he has worked so hard to accelerate. Nor will he support raising taxes on the rich, one of whom he has worked so hard destroying the environment in order to become. Mansion hammered in what appears to be the final nail in the Build Back Better coffin. He simply refuses to allow any talk of taxing those who owe much more than they pay, or of averting environmental disaster.

Mansion insists/pretends that “My main goal is what’s good for my country. I’m not worried about what’s good for the Democrat or Republican party. They’re going to do just fine.” Except for two things, Joe. First, asshole, it’s the Democratic Party, referring to them as the “Democrat” party is what Ratpublicans do out of disrespect. Second, Ratpublicans have shown beyond any doubt that they do not and will not do what’s good for your country – they put Donald Turmp as their choice for president, let him escape conviction on two impeachments, both of which made Bill Clinton’s blow job look like…well, a blow job, and made Watergate look like a third-rate burglary, and then after claiming that Turmp was personally and morally responsible for the January 6 insurrection, quickly returned to their regularly scheduled, unrelenting kissing of his ass. Lastly, having beaten his “colleagues” into submission on the ambitious, vastly popular and critically needed BBB, bullying them into a package he could live with, Mansion finally got his way, and then said, “Psych!

So once again, Joe Manchin is full of fossil fuel shit. Well, it’s not so much again as still. No other senator rakes in more campaign cash from the fossil fuel industry than Old King Coal Manchin. We are still finding out more gory details of his greed and duplicity. And, dare I say…murder?

Everyone, including Joe Mansion, knows that coal kills. It kills those with no choice but to work to extract it. It kills those who happen to breathe air. It does not kill Joe Masion while he lets others do the very, very dirty work. There is no such thing as “clean coal.” There is no such thing as clean Joe Mansion.

Thankfully, folks in Manchin’s “home” state, you know, the one he is personally committed to killing with his coal profits, are preparing to make their presence felt. Maybe they can make his political future resemble the lungs of those West Virginians who are unfortunate enough to need to work in coal mines, as well as many of us who are forced to breathe the rotten fruits of their labors.

Meanwhile, Mansion’s fellow foulers in the greedy oil companies are not satisfied taking our tax dollars as insanely unnecessary subsidies. Not only are they not paying anything forward by, oh I don’t know, taking a break from making obscene profits off of anyone who needs oil to heat their homes or drive their cars, they are adding price-gouging profits to the subsidies which we involuntarily lavish upon them.

Just For The Record (High Gas Prices)

You might have noticed that when the price of oil rises, so does what we pay at the pump. But when the price of oil drops, the price at the pump is not so quick to change correspondingly. And don’t blame your local gas station, their profit margin is minimal. Oil companies on the other hand do a bit better. 

In 2021, while most Americans were sitting on financial pins and needles, ExxonMobil raked in $23B in profits, Shell amassed $19.3B, Chevron $15.6B and BP $12.9B. This of course, is in addition to the massive government subsidies these petroleum plunderers take out of our pockets. Poor little Joe Mansion’s coal interests put $500,000/year into his ever-widening toxic pockets.

It is long past time to take power away from the Ratpublicans’ favorite Democrat.

Gil Scott-Heron – Winter In America

I. Mangrey freaking out.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Deeply Rooted In The Nation’s History And Traditions

Deeply Troubling In The Nation’s History And Traditions

July 13, 2022

Dead or alive?

The notion of things “deeply rooted in the nation’s history and traditions” was used by Scam Alito as an excuse to overturn 50 years of the previously deeply-rooted-in-the-nation’s-history-and-traditions right of women to control what they do with their own bodies. Slavery, one of America’s most debilitating birth defects – along with the genocide of the land’s original inhabitants – is in fact deeply rooted in the nation’s history and traditions. It remained so for almost a century, after which time it was dragged kicking and screaming out of existence. This was followed by another century of hatred, oppression and lynching.*

Things that are not specifically enumerated in the Constitution: not shooting unarmed Black men in the back 60 times or kneeling on their necks until and well after they are dead, the number of justices on the Supreme Court, the stupid fucking filibuster, abortions, same sex marriage, marriage of any kind, sex of any kind, women, Clarence Thomas, Cheez Whiz, Mitch Fucking McConnell, privacy, computers, assault rifles, science and common sense.

You know what is in the Constitution? The Ninth Amendment:

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Abort the Court! Replace the Disgrace!

So-called originalists like Antonin Scalia, who is thankfully still dead, like to pretend that this penultimate of the original ten amendments (not commandments, as some would have us believe) does not exist. The one that says, “Just in case we might have left a few things out, or I don’t know, maybe if things change next month or in a hundred years (like maybe if someone invents something more deadly than a musket, or if we someday realize that slavery is bad, and women should have the right to vote), it should be understood that we did not think of everything. Who the fuck could?”

Recall that Scalia, Thomas and their fellow farcical phonies also disingenuously proclaim that they know what the founders had in mind when they crafted and drafted the schematic for America. Funny thing – the founders themselves often disagreed with each other, and not infrequently with themselves. Yet, they were able to back their egos up enough to compromise sufficiently to reach consensus and begin a great experiment in governance. Those days, and those egos are long fucking gone.

*The genocide of Native Americans continued unabated, and rather than being dragged kicking and/or screaming out of existence, was mostly swept under the rug and continues in slow motion since there were and are not enough of them to sufficiently rub our noses in it.

I. Mangrey, deeply rooted in the nation’s history and traditions (for better or worse).              


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Schmuck Of The Day

God, If You’re Listening…

July 12, 2022

“The church is supposed to direct the government; the government is not supposed to direct the church. That is not how our founding fathers intended it. I’m tired of this separation of church and state junk that’s not in the Constitution, it was in a stinkin’ letter and it means nothin’ like they say it does.”*
Insane, ignorant moron Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Loonyville)

Is that God I see there behind Boebert? Or is she just mad to see me?

Apparently, after ignoring the entire body of the Constitution, Ms. Boebert continued ignoring the text until she got to the last 14 words of the Second Amendment. Chances are good that it was the most reading she’s done in her whole life. She likely passed out right after this monumental task and woke up in Congress representing a Colorado district with a decimal point in front of its collective IQ. After electing Boebert, they are running headlong toward a negative number.

I am not saying the following to be rude or mean, just accurate. Lauren Boebert is one dumb fuck.

Two-For-One Special Schmuck Of The Day (So Many Schmucks, So Little Time)

Pennsylvania gubernatorial candidate Doug Mastriano – a radical Christian nationalist – called the separation of church and state a “myth,” adding, “In November we are going to take our state back, my God will make it so.”** I sure hope his God is not anyone else’s; his God sounds like a real putz.

Mastriano (r) outside the Capitol hoping
to witness the Big Steal on Jan 6

In case that was not bad enough for you, Mastriano weighed in on the Extreme Court’s recent disemboweling of Roe v. Wade thusly: “My body, my choice’ is ridiculous nonsense here.”

Doug Mastriano is one sick fuck.

*This statement should be immediately disqualifying to serve in Congress. As if Boebert had anything at all that would actually qualify her to serve. Boebert should look into public service in Iran.
** This statement should be immediately disqualifying to serve in government.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Double Schmuck Of The Day. Feh.