Saturday, March 19, 2022

The Haunted Manchin On The Hill

Enough With This Bipartisanshit

March 19, 2022

Though he has not been as visible in the news, Sen. Joe Mansion (R-Coal) is still busy fucking up Joe Biden’s agenda and by extension the health and well-being of most Americans who do not own coal companies. Still, it continues to be said that despite Joe Mansion’s incessant obstruction of his own party’s agenda, it is much better to have him as a Democrat than a Ratpublican.


To be fair Americans elected Biden to implement a pro-people/pro-planet agenda that flies in the face of his corporate donor’s wishes. Mansion’s abhorrence of Build Back Better is understandable. This dangerous agenda would do things like raise the minimum wage above its current, barely-subsistence level, provide child care, fight the snowballing climate catastrophe and bolster critical and humane human infrastructure. All of this frivolous spending would divert monies that could very easily end up in Mansion’s donors’ already overflowing pockets, while at the same time raising their taxes to help pay for it all. Even though Mansion refuses to allow any of his sugar daddies’ hardly-earned money to find its way into the hands of the desperately poor, or to fight the deadly climate crisis, or fund any other equally silly pursuits, common wisdom holds that it is much better to have him peddling his putrid political agenda as a Democrat than as a Ratpublican.

“Yeah, buy my coal, sell my soul.”

Mansion said he could work with his friends across the aisle. He was either stupid or lying. Could be both. Who am I to judge? Either way, in the end he was full of shit. Not one single Ratpublican signed on to Mansion’s watered-down voting rights package. He assured everyone he could get ten. Continuing to insist that everything had to be bipartisan, and finding at every turn that not one single vote from the other side was forthcoming, he turned his back not on those intransigent bastards who would see America burn to the ground before they would ever reach across the aisle to compromise, but on his own supposed party.

It is claimed that Mansion often votes with his fellow Dems on various issues. So, if he was actually a Ratpublican would he stop voting for things he voted for while pretending to be a Democrat? Would he simply obey Mitch Fucking McConnell as opposed to taking a daily dump into the hat of his party’s current Senate leader Chuck Schumer? Is this the kind of person you really want associated with your party just because he sometimes agrees with you when it suits his keepers, but hangs you out to dry when it really counts? Would you let this two-faced, coal-powered corporate gofer pretend to represent your interests?

Mansion continues to intentionally and relentlessly sabotage Biden’s agenda in favor of his corporate overlords and his own coal-fired fortunes.

And it goes without saying that Kyrsten Sinema and every single Ratpublican are equally to blame for Biden’s inability to carry out the agenda for which he was elected.

I. Mangrey im-Manchining a better future.

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