Friday, March 11, 2022

Thought For The Day

We'll Let You Know When We’re Good And Fucking Ready

March 11, 2022

You’ve heard of the Know-Nothing Party. Now we have the Do-Nothing party. Take, for example this actual recent exchange between a reporter and Moscow Mitch:

Reporter: “If Republicans [her word, not mine] take back control of Congress after the midterms, what will be your agenda?”

McConnell: “That is a very good question. And I’ll let you know when we take it back.”

Now, he could have been honest and laid out the details of what they really want for this country. No one would be surprised to hear Bitch McConnell rattle off something like the following, though there would probably be major shock at the honesty:

We plan to raise taxes on the poor and middle class and lower them, as we always do, for the wealthiest Americans like me. We want to make abortions illegal even though almost two-thirds of Americans want them to be legal. We want to make sure there are fewer books and more shootings in our schools. We plan to make it even harder for people of color, especially black people, to vote. Ultimately, we would like to stop wasting so much valuable time and money – money that could very well be given to the wealthiest Americans like me – on elections altogether. Haven’t we had enough of this nonsense by now? We also want to kill the United States Postal Service, and with any luck, the United States itself.

But he did not.

Or, he could have at least lied better than saying wait and see, and hoping enough brain-dead voters want to make America Tmurp, who still owns the Ratpublican Party, again.

Vote for us. What the hell have you got to lose?

Clearly, not that they haven’t been proving this every day for decades, Ratpublicans have zero interest in governing this country, or upholding any kind of democracy.

So there you have it – like Seinfeld if it was the opposite of funny – a political campaign platform about nothing.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for the day?

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