Thursday, January 12, 2023

Thought For The Day

Repercussions Discussion

January 12, 2023

Taking a brief, not particularly scenic detour from the most immediate horror that is the newly triple-flip-double-twisting summersault breech-birthed Ratpublican House majority, ponder this...

Nine is not enough

Many politicians, political pundits and regular folks just like you worry that if Democrats do things like expand the Extreme Court* or impeach insurrection colluder’s husband Clarence Thomas or fuck with the filibuster, or basically do anything they don’t like, Ratpublicans will someday exact revenge by doing something horrible.

Worse than what they have already done?

You mean like nominate, enable, protect and defend a sociopathic, narcissistic life-long conman, sexual harasser and racist? You mean like stealing two Supreme Court seats and installing lying, fascist theocrats who promised to overturn 50 years of rights and precedent? Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney-Barrett all lied to Congress about how they would deal with attempts to overturn half a century of decided law that is (was) Roe v. Wade. At least Clarence Thomas only lied about sexually harassing Anita Hill during his nomination hearing; although now he appears to be up to at least his wife’s eyeballs in the attempt to overthrow American democracy.

Taxed To The Max

The latest completely legal, previously uncontroversial act carried out by those dangerous Democrats was the years-in-the-making release of Donald Trump’s fake tax returns. Wresting the returns from Trump’s IRS – headed up by a loyal Trump cult member – was more difficult than pulling teeth with chopsticks. Naturally, this typically unquestioned tradition (ever since Nixon released his taxes in order to assure the American public that “their president is not a crook”) of allowing the American people to see the finances of their public servants, raised the hair-trigger hackles of Ratpublicans everywhere.

Richard Nixon telling the American people he is “not a crook” while
trying to keep himself from strangling himself ala Dr. Strangelove

It has been customary since Nixon’s ruinous reign for presidential candidates to release several years of tax returns as opposed to having them lie to our faces about being under perpetual audit, despite them never being under audit, which has no bearing on the issue either way. Then again, the 45th president was the first one whose primary occupation prior to running for office was conman/criminal/tax cheat.

Since Nixon, it has been mandatory for the IRS to audit the taxes of sitting presidents every year they are in office, mainly to help promote public confidence. To which Trump told America, “Go fuck yourselves. I didn’t get rich by paying a bunch of taxes like the rest of you yahoos out there. My damn taxes are nobody’s business but mine…well, me and my convicted felon CFO Alan Weisselberg. And by the way, anything bad they say my company did, it was that Jew Weisselberg, not me. I’ve done nothing wrong ever in my life. Believe me. Just be thankful I have blessed you by allowing you to have me as your amazing president, which I still am even though Hunter Biden’s dad Sleepy Joe is living in my White House at the moment. But don’t worry, we will be having a do over very soon and your favorite president of all time, me, will once again become the 45th president. History books will never show there was a 46th president. We will be skipping right to 47 if I decide to step aside at some point. But don’t hold your breath.”

As with everything Trump, we have had to deal with the redefining of words such as customary, mandatory, reality and fact, among many others.

MAGA Congressman and new chairman of the Ways and Means Committee Kevin Brady (R-TX) levelled the typical threats to which we have become so accustomed from decimal-pointed IQ Ratpublicans

Going forward, all future Chairs of both the House Ways and Means Committee and the Senate Finance Committee will have nearly unlimited power to target and make public the tax returns of private citizens, political enemies, business and labor leaders or even the Supreme Court justices themselves. Democrats will come to regret it.

Thanks for that, fuckhead. Like you haven’t been using the IRS to go after people every chance you got for years. Try fighting for democracy for a change, or maybe just your constituents – the ones who foolishly vote for you, not the ones who bankroll you. Maybe take a break from obsessing over Hunter Biden’s laptop, and Hillary’s emails, and Obama. And go and change your diaper, it’s beginning to stink.

Speaking of empty threats and empty heads, Trump himself weighed in on the public release of his shady tax returns

The Democrats should have never done it, the Supreme Court should have never approved it, and it's going to lead to horrible things for so many people.

Fortunately, most of those people either will be named Trump, or have been lying down with Trumps long enough to wake up indictments.

It's Their Fucking Brand

Even if they could do worse than what they have been doing for decades, there is simply no point in worrying about them doing it. Ratpublicans will always do the worst possible thing their lizard brains can think of at any given moment. It matters not whether Dems piss them off or kiss their collective ass. They will always play the victim, embrace hatred, ignorance and greed, and do worse than actual humans would ever imagine. Ratpublicans can never be bested at being the worst.

In any event, now that Ratpublicans have finally managed to take the gavel from Nancy Pelosi, we should expect the worst, the dumbest, the most useless Congress we have ever witnessed to waste valuable time and oxygen in their unending quest to bitch-slap democracy for at least the next two years.

* In a recent Marquette Law School poll, 51% of respondents said they either strongly or somewhat favored increasing the number of justices on the Supreme Court, versus 49% who were strongly or somewhat opposed. Expansion was supported by 51% of independents and 72% of Democrats. It was favored by only 27% of Republicans. Go figure. Go fuck themselves.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

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