Thursday, February 20, 2025

Boom Goes The Diplomacy

America: The New Pariah

February 20, 2025

Well, two of Dictator-On-Day-1-31(so far) Don’s stellar dim-bulbs were allowed to leave the country. It did not go well. Pete Gin-breath and VD Vance both figuratively (we assume) wet their pants in front of our allies.

Pickled Pete had to quickly walk back comments about how Ukraine shouldn’t be allowed to join NATO and should just do what war criminal/murderer Putin wants Don to want Ukraine to do.

Idiot-minus-the-savant Vance delivered a condescending lecture to our European allies about the good old “threat from within” and how they shouldn’t be mean to their new Nazis. Hmmmmm, now who was it in Europe that used to caterwaul about the threat from within? What ended up being his final solution? Anyone?

Trump’s Dopes Put The Dip In Diplomacy

Both of these mangey mongrels managed to piss off all of our allies, as America hurtles toward fascism and possible irrelevance on the world stage.

Vance whined

“The threat that I worry the most about vis-à-vis Europe is not Russia. It's not China. It's not any external actor. What I worry about is the threat from within – the retreat of Europe from some of its most fundamental values, values shared with the United States of America”.

Interesting; I would say the same thing about Vance and his two twisted bosses.

Vance may have taken the Boo Ribbon with his scolding, especially when the most humorless man in the world “joked” about how if American democracy could "survive 10 years of Greta Thunberg scolding, you guys can survive a few months of Elon Musk”, which he prefaced with “And trust me, I say this with all humor”. And trust me, we do not trust you and you have no humor. You are a limp dick.

Vance’s crap drew mostly groans from those in attendance. I guess that’s what happens when our representatives go around spouting Putin’s talking points to our allies.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz accused Vance of unacceptably interfering in his country’s imminent elections on behalf of a party that has downplayed the atrocities committed by the Nazis 80 years ago. Vance met with the leader of the far right party (the same one Musk Zoomed with last month). Scholz did not comment on Vance’s cozy relationship with present-day Nazis like Zyklon B. Musk or Con Ye.

Immediately after his visit to the Dachau Nazi death camp Vance described his experience with all the heartfelt emotion of a manhole cover.

It’s cute that Vance thinks he’s really vice president.
Everyone know that’s Trump. Vance is either window or salad dressing.

Tsunami of Tshit

Back home, when Dirty Diaper Don was asked “Do you view Ukraine as an equal member of this peace process?”, his (i.e., Putin’s) reply was “(sniff) Hmmmmm, interesting question.” For the record, that is not an interesting question. He added, “I think they have to make peace. Their people are being killed and I think they have to make peace. I said that was not a good war to go into”. Go into? In Ukraine, war goes into you. When you are invaded by Russia. Kind of like America. Except Russia is not invading us with weapons. They are invading us with Donald Dick, Musk, Vance, Gabbard, Patel, et al.

These Christo-fascist assholes are leaving nothing to chance.

Dumb-ass Don and Zyklon B. Musk are furiously at work dismembering American democracy and every alliance this country has forged over the centuries.

I. Mangrey showing restraint.

1 comment:

  1. The 3rd branch is wilted and full of rot. Yep, congress, who may be pissed about a foreigner doing their job, they STILL won't speak up. Long live the King. Etc etc etc.
    It's been all of 4 weeks. How is your passport status?
