Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Who’s Your Daddy

Democracy Inaction

February 18, 2025

Our newest intern was out there beating the bushes for the latest depredations of the Musk/Trump dissembling of everything we have known and much of what is actually good and decent about our country and our democracy. Once again we see the sickening fascist tropes insinuating themselves throughout the executive branch, in no small part due to the very damaged, if present at all, executive functions of the two brains atop the pyramid of idiocy – Zyklon B. Musk and Dictator-On-Day-1-29(so far)  Don. I’ll let the intrepid and grossly underpaid Ho Leigh Schitt spell it out.

Ed Venture
(Barely) Managing Editor, Paying Attention™

How ironic. While tailing a pair of Musk’s teenage twits, many of whom, years before reaching shaving age, have their hands in some very sensitive cookie jars. One of these super geniuses left – of all things – a laptop at a local Build-a-Bear, where they spent the better part of that afternoon creating hideous stuffed animals, presumably to take to bed that evening as what for them passes as intimate human interaction. Here is what I found in a folder marked “Who’s Yr Daddy”.

Applicants for the FBI and other top national security positions are being asked two questions:

1) Who is your real boss? (trick question?)

2) Who were the real patriots on January 6th? (dick question!)

Two applicants for leadership positions reported being asked these questions.

1) Was January 6th an inside job?

2) Was the 2020 presidential election stolen?

Both answered NO. Neither was hired.

This is truly democracy inaction.

Can you say ‘sieg heil’? I can’t.

Ho Leigh Schitt reporting.

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