Friday, February 26, 2016

A Freaky Thing is Happening on The Way To The Forum

A Night at The Movies

Trailing The Campaign
February 26, 2016
A Chrumpwork Orange
Up until a few months ago I would never ever spend more than a fraction of a second with the sight or sound of Donald Chrump assaulting my senses. Never. Not for any reason. The slightest hint would trigger an automatic almost total shutdown of all sensory apparatus, with the singular exception of one finger – no not that finger – the one that operates the Mute and/or Channel Up/Down button on the remote.
Now, thanks to the runaway stupidity of a significant portion of the American electorate, he is unavoidable to anyone who spends any amount of time watching the perpetual food fight that passes for the Republican’t primaries. There have been other distractions like the lovable lump of silly putty that is Ben Carson, or the hilarious comic stylings of Rick Perry, the Forrest Gump-like vulnerability of J.E.B. or the zany psycho-babble of Ted Cruz. But none of that can hold a candle  Chrump, whatever else he may be, and he surely is many other things – none of them having any redeeming social value – he is a spectacle.

I. Malex
I expect that I am not alone in feeling like Alex in A Clockwork Orange – the drug-addled, violent, twisted young criminal who rapes a woman while singing “Singing in the Rain” – after he was taken into custody. Once in the hands of the authorities Alex is subjected to “aversion therapy”, which includes having his eyes are forcibly kept open so he cannot avoid being inundated with horrifying images meant to break his spirit and alter his personality. The main difference here is that most of us represent the reasonable side of human nature while the image we are forced to endure exhibits the very worst aspects of the human condition – our sophomoric, bigoted, sociopathic, plastic, Mr. Hyde/Fux News side. The irony is that a steady diet of Chrump is changing us from relatively normal human beings into whatever it is that Chrump is portraying and encouraging in our society, and Donald Chrump is Alex incarnate. I’m not saying he is a rapist or a criminal. I have no way of knowing that for certain, but it did need to be said. I’m sure he’s a very nice person in real life. Maybe one day he will come to the conclusion that running for president is real life, not reality television. And then the Earth will fall out of its orbit and we will all be better off.
Monsters, Inc.

Like Drs. Jekyll and Frankenstein the Republican’t party is helpless to stop their creation. All three experiments-gone-bad unleashed horrors. Only one of them though is technically not a fictitious characters. 

Mr. Hyde – all in for Chrump and Frankenstein’s Chrumpster – still undecided

While we’re on the subject of horrifying creations, Raphael Cruz, Sr. recently informed us that God told his daughter-in-law that Raphael Jr. – or Ted as he prefers to be called – was His choice to be president. Unfortunately, most of God’s most fervent devotees have no taste for the man whose voice sounds like a twangy banjo from Deliverance. It seems they instead prefer the unreligious, repeatedly divorced (not to mention bankrupt), greedy, lying, hate monger gambling magnate with a God complex who lusts after his own daughter and wants to kill someone to prove just how popular he is. 

Play it Ted
Why does Chrump keep talking about murdering people? A few weeks ago he said, "I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible.” That’s one word for it I suppose. After his yuuuuuge win in Nevada he bellowed, “Even the really dishonest press says Trump’s people are the most incredible. Sixty-eight percent would not leave under any circumstances. I think that means murder. I think it means anything.” Anybody know how many Commandments the pride of the evangelicals breaks every day? I guess that depends on whether coveting one’s daughter is as good as coveting one’s neighbor’s wife. The Good News for all those ersatz evangelicals is that in public Chrump still pretends to believe that the Bible is a better book than The Art of The Deal. Such a humble man.

Chrump also said of one of the key demographics beefing up his numbers, “We won the poorly educated. I love the poorly educated.” This is the first thing this yahoo has said that was even half true or made any damn sense.
On a lighter note…Thingtime For Hitler
For some reason all this talk of monsters and miscreants brings to mind a news item I came across the other day: A new book contains secret diaries left by Hitler’s doctor which testify to Hitler’s doctor Theodor Morell left detailed secret diaries.Hitler’s doctor Theodor Morell left detailed secret diaries.the fact that not only did Der Fucker have one less testicle than the average pair, but that shriveled little walnut was apparently attached to a deformed micro-penis to boot.
I. Mangrey on the campaign trail. Emphasis on the paign.

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