Monday, September 10, 2018

Adrift on The Lie Seas

Is This the (Ghost of John Mc)Cain Mutiny?

September 10, 2018
Prezident Queeg is in the most frenzied frenzy of his long, apoplectic life.  He is Chrump-raving mad…at his half-wit’s end.  Much of his crew either is under indictment, has pled guilty and turned state’s evidence, or is in the brig.  Some of them, I assume, are good people.  The fortunate ones have abandoned ship, preferring to take their chances with the shark-infested waters between them and dry land.  Those remaining on board are becoming increasingly restless and concerned.  I’m not sure what took so long.  Nothing about this captain has changed since he first decided to set sail. 
with apologies to Humphrey Bogart
Mutiny, malfeasance and mayhem are not bugs aboard the SS Chrump, they are features.  There has been trouble on the ship of hate since day one.  The ship’s captain has a habit of trashing everyone under his command even though they are the best people.  Go figure.  Bob Mueller is discovering that there was trouble well before Chrump set sail.  Some call it COLLUSION; some call it conspiracy.  Some prefer to call it obstruction of justice.  It might well be all of that and a bag of cow chips. 
Listen, do you want to know a secret?  Do you promise not to tell?
Early on, while Chrump was just beginning to flex his obstruction of justice muscles by firing James Comey, he threatened Comey, saying maybe he had tapes of their conversations. 

Comey’s response to the tweet was, “Lordy, I hope there are tapes.  I hope there are, and I’ll consent to the release of them.”  Oddly, those tapes have never materialized.
Funny thing: It turns out that the only person in the entire White House who was not taping, was Chrump himself.  Funny thing #2: The only one not spying on Chrump was Barack Obama.  
Speaking of tapes, Chrump claimed that Woodward never tried to interview him for his new book.  But Lordy, wouldn’t you know it, Woodward spoke with Chrump just the other day, and recorded the conversation.  Woodward told Chrump he was recording the conversation, during which he told Der Furor that he spoke with everyone he could think of in attempting to include Chrump’s side of the story for the book.
From the moment Chrump oozed down that escalator to throw his feces into the ring, the rules of the game changed.  Maybe they will change back some day (I will not be holding my breath.), but for now, polite language and following protocol will only sink us deeper into despair, danger and disaster.  No one should treat Chrump with a speck of respect.  No one who cares about this country should ever again hesitate to call him a liar, a narcissist and a threat to the Republic.
He’s riding on the escalator of lies
Many of you might remember this doozy from Chrump regarding North Korea from August 2017, “North Korea best not make any more threats to the United States.  They will be met with fire and the fury like the world has never seen.”  I am looking forward to the man who threatened North Korea with “fire and fury” being fired and furious.  We are half way there.
I. Mangrey recording.  Lordy, I am glad there are so many tapes.

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