Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Not So Great Unraveling

Chrump and His Fellow Ravelers

September 20, 2018
Report after report indicates that behind closed doors and buckets of KFC, Donald Chrump is becoming unraveled, unglued and unhinged as pressure from various fronts mounts.  Behind closed doors?  What the hell do they call what he is doing in broad daylight? 
Have they not seen any of Chrump’s tweets?  Did they not witness the racist rant announcing his candidacy after descending his golden escalator?  Did they miss his “American Carnage” inauguration speech?  Exactly when was Chrump even slightly glued, or hinged to anything?  When did he ever seem to be in the same galaxy as sane?  If these reports are implying that he is in fact worse in private than what we see and hear every day, or that he is getting worse in general, we could all be dead by Tuesday.
Unraveling His Administration and Our Democracy
Has anyone noticed that Chrump has been firing, one by one, everyone in the Department of Justice who was involved in investigating his ties to Russian money, COLLUSION, and obstruction of justice?  Remember James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Preet Bharara, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok?  Speaking of Comey, our Very-stable-genius-in-chief offered up this gem, “If I did one mistake with Comey, I should have fired him before I got here. I should have fired him the day I won the primaries.”  Small children, and probably no small number of invertebrates, know that there might be some restrictions involved with a citizen firing an FBI director.  Though I am neither a small child nor an invertebrate, I would stake my career on this fact.  If anyone has any alternative facts in this regard, I would be interested to hear them.
It is long past time to stop pussyfooting around with the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud.  Stop acting like any of his behavior is anything other than sociopathic.  A sanitation worker would be fired for behaving like this lunatic.  Have these reporters seen any of the people with whom Chrump has surrounded himself?  Robert Mueller (I highly recommend this article) has flipped almost everyone outside his immediate family, his poll numbers are receding faster than his hairline, and he still sees himself when he looks in the mirror.  He told us he would bring in the best people.  Well maybe, but not one of them appears to be the best at what he appointed them to do.  Unless he hired them to do exactly what they are doing – destroy whatever agency they are running.  For that, I must admit, they are all over-qualified.
The “best” “people”
Now we have Brett Kavanaugh, the lying, gambling-debt-ridden, accused sexual assaulter, who the lying, neurologically impaired, admitted sexual assaulter who wants to have sex with his own daughter, has nominated to pardon him…I mean end a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body…I mean have a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.
Probably the best at doing his actual job is Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III.  At least Secessionist Sessions had the sense to recuse himself from anything dealing with the Russia investigation – he had no choice, according to the law.  If it was not for the fact that he repeatedly lied to the Senate during his confirmation hearing, the fact that he is a miserable little racist who continues to oversee the kidnapping of thousands of children with no plan to keep track of where their parents are, is busy dialing back criminal-justice reform and voting-rights protections, is ending a Justice Department partnership with independent scientists to improve forensic science standards, and who thinks marijuana is as dangerous as heroin, he could grow up to be a darn good Attorney General one day.
The putz who hired Sessions for the job has been trashing his hand-picked Attorney General since day one.  Chrump recently told an interviewer, “I don't have an attorney general. It's very sad.”  How the hell do you think we feel?  We don’t have a president.  It’s very sad.  To paraphrase Dear Leader, “He is one of the dumbest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of stupidity.”*
* He described Hurricane Florence as “one of the wettest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of water.”  Actual quote.

I. Mangrey reporting.  It’s not easy being raveled.

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