Sunday, August 9, 2020

Resignation Day(s) - Day Two

Those Who Don't Celebrate History Are Doomed To Regret It

August 9, 2020
Well, here we are again, winding down another great holiday season, and the culmination of the celebration of the obliteration of the Nixon cancer on our nation.  Though that was long ago, it is not far away. I can still smell it in the air, right here, right now. We seemed to be in remission, but survival is by no means certain with this latest relapse. 
We find ourselves under the tiny thumb of another paranoid, revenge-driven, pathological liar with authoritarian tendencies who believes “if the president does it then it is not illegal.” Hatred, division, racism and intentional ignorance are metastasizing at breakneck speed. Fascist chants, consorting with enemies, racist tweets, climate crisis denial, pandemic denial, death threats against medical expert Anthony Fauci and his family. And Chrump continues his crappy happy talk, telling the idiots who still listen to him that everything is under control. Don’t wear a mask, screw social distancing, send your children to school to die. Chrump insists he is doing a great job, perhaps the greatest every, and he deserves more credit for his unparalleled achievements. Poor little guy.
Everything is under control. Believe me.
At least Nixon, if only for a moment, took responsibility for his actions, even if it was without clearly admitting it was all his idea.  Donald Chrump will never, not for one single nanosecond, come close to admitting any wrongdoing.  Honesty, integrity, self-reflection are traits absent from Chrump DNA.  Not one of them has any of these abilities.  It is entirely possible that Don, Sr. is incapable of understanding that laws also apply to him and his Chrump crime family.  The point is moot, he needs the boot.   
If you don’t want to wallow in the past, scroll down for the latest stanzas of the ongoing poetic licentiousness that has become ‘Twas The Night Before Resignation. Either way, you will or won’t be sorry, depending on any number of factors.

Well, you got that covered.
How about treason? Collusion/conspiracy? Obstruction of justice? Racism/fascism?
I was not sure I had it in me at this point, but I have managed to add a few new verses for 2018.  I don’t think it can be considered post-traumatic while the horror persists, but I have no doubt that many of us have a clinically significant stress disorder at this very moment.  I look forward to the day when it can be truly post-traumatic.  For now, I hope I am able to bring a little distraction your way on this lovely Resignation Day(s), and every day.  Enjoy!

Lock her up, drain the swamp, I won, build the wall
He screams and he tweets, he hates us all.
Though he loves his Nazis and supremacists white
And watches himself on TV ev’ry night. 

The people’s true enemy, that Electoral College,
Gave us Bush and then Chrump, two goons with no knowledge,
Of democracy, Constitution or language,
Less at home with working than swinging a sand wedge.

Chrump’s brain is so bad, his words so much worse,
We hope against hope that Bob Mueller’s his curse.
When he finally goes down, wants to take us all with him
Chrump cares about nothing but his toxic nar’sism.

He bashes the media, though than him no one’s faker
We need him to just go and jump in a lake…Er,
I meant for a swim not to drown, that’s no shit.
Such talk is illegal, unless the president does it.
Impeachment, resigning once more fill the air,
Now dash away blob with your FAKE orange “hair”,
This Chrump works for Putin, and amplifies hate,

He’s racist, he’s fascist; ain’t America great? 

Though mostly Chrump’s tweeting and golfing galore,
He’s doing great damage, let’s show him the door.
Fake “hair”, phony color, his face sphincter speaks,
Let’s vote like we mean it and be rid of this freak. 

Colluding, conspiring, with Russia, oh no!
Won’t tell his own people what he said to our foe.
This treasonous cretin makes us all sick and tired,
Let’s pray the next Congress will tell him, “YOU’RE FIRED.”
Before we bring you the latest stanzas of this hallowed verse, please enjoy last year’s offering.

All Chrump all the time, on the news, Fox and Twitter
The most lyingest, narcissist, most full-of-shitter.
He claims that his “rhetoric brings people together”
He’s racist, psychotic, and a frequent bed wetter. 

The best people Chrump promised all sucked, now they’re gone,
We’re left with the C Team, and two of his spawn.
Conspiring, colluding, obstructing our justice,
Yet he yells, “It’s a hoax”, doesn’t know what the fuss is. 

Manafort and Cohen in jail, Flynn’s on his way
Dozens of Russians indicted, found guilty, hooray!
Still Chrump sides with Russia, not American intel,
Get his taxes, make him testify, what the fuck, what the hell.
We heard from The Mueller, in a manner of speaking
He said there were crimes, he said there was sneaking
He all but said, “Congress, it’s time to impeach, ”
He said indicting and punishing was out of his reach.
Still helping the Russians help him get re-elected,
With his treason, stealing children from their parents and torturing them, denying climate crisis, treating international allies like dirt and generally threatening global stability, we all are infected
His crimes are innumerable, his racism steady
Impeach The Mother Fucker Already!

And now, without further ado, the latest addition to...
‘Twas the night before Resignation
So we had our impeachment, if fell with a squish,
We thought he would go down, did not get our wish.
Chrump escaped, abetted by old Moscow Mitch,

That dastardly, reptilian son-of-a-bitch. 

We just can’t get rid of his Chrumpian flu,
More clingy than dog shit stuck to your shoe.
He whines that this virus will just disappear,
He’s trying to kill us is what many fear. 

Like everything else he fucked up, he screams, “It’s a hoax.
Drink bleach, disinfectant,” then we’re told, “These are jokes.”
No bounds to his ignorance, so much he don’t know,
His psychologist niece says he’s a sadist, a psycho. 

He’s pardoning shitheads and maggots who back him,
But he’ll scream “Fuck them up!” if with words you attack him.
Each day he does things that we think are the worst,
But he tops it each time, like it’s fully rehearsed.
It doesn’t seem possible there’s more we can take,
From this narcissist, racist, maniacal fake.
Chrump’s psychopathology has normal folks stressed,
Even Michelle Obama is feeling depressed.
Only one thing might stop this walking crime ‘gainst humanity,
This shit storm perpetrated by this terrestrial manatee.
A second Chrump term will kill America, no doubt,
So, on November the 3rd, VOTE HIM THE FUCK OUT!

Norm Eisen, who served as a counsel for the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee during Chrump’s impeachment says the ultimate impeachment must come via the November election. Let’s do this people.
Vote him out! Vote him out! Vote him out!

High Hopes

From all your unimpeachable sources at Paying Attention: Ed Venture, I. Mangrey, T. Doff, Allison Wundarland, Ann T. Soshal and our intern – Yuno Hoo, we hope you're enjoying Resignation Day(s) 2020. 

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