Saturday, August 1, 2020

QAnon And On, And On

He Knows Not...Well, Anything

August 1, 2020
QAnon – convicted felon and first ex-national security advisor to Donald Chrump, Michael Flynn recently pledged allegiance to the completely unhinged group. And forget the Tea Party – they were just idiots; right now, at least 11 Republican’t congressional candidates have publicly supported or defended QAnon. The funny thing about QAnon, if such a thing can even be imagined, let alone exist, is that the very foundation upon which their insane raison d'être withers, describes to a tee the one person they have chosen to hold above the fray as their deliverer.
Not sure if he has the hat, but definitely the poster child for QAnon
QAnon – the conspiracy theory to end all conspiracy theories – contends that there is a deep state within the federal government run by a cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles, and apparently Donald Chrump alone can fix it. Wow. I guess it takes a Satan-worshipping pedophile to bring down a Satan-worshipping pedophile. Or something like that.
Chrump, “date”, and close friends Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell
Chrump may have had Epstein suicided in prison, but wished Maxwell well
Speaking of conspiracy theories, Conspiracy-theorist-in-chief Donald Chrump continues to lie, along with his Attorney General/henchman Bill Barr, that voting fraud is rampant when it comes to mail-in voting. I believe the technical term for Chrump’s noise is bullshit. He is now threatening to postpone the election, because. As anyone with half and IQ point can see, the real reason is that he knows without sufficient cheating he is beaten. That is not to say that Chrump and his Republican’t lackeys are not pulling out all the stops to keep people from voting – from the usual illegitimate voter roll purging and shuttering polling locations in mostly black areas, to the newer choking off the funding for election security and maintenance and disrupting the Census, to sabotaging the United States Postal Service in order to fuck with mail-in ballots, to strategic placement of Stormtrumpers near or at whatever polling places haven’t been eliminated. Chrump was up not-so-bright and early tweeting more psychotic idiocy:
Um, NO actually.

There is an as-close-to-zero-as-possible incidence of fraud with mail-in voting (particularly if you exclude Republican’t voters and Donald Chrump). Infinitely closer to zero that Chrump’s “close to zero” deaths from his self-inflicted coronavirus pandemic. There has never been a postponed federal election. Not during the Civil War, the Great Depression, World War II, or the 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. And a little thing called the United States Constitution only allows Congress, and not a president – not even a criminal, already-impeached one – to alter the date of an election. That don’t matter to The Don, who has voted by mail repeatedly, and registered to vote with the wrong place of birth.*
Having tweeted his insanity first thing in the morning while preparing to avoid John Lewis’ funeral, which featured four past presidents paying their respects, Chrump took time later in his typical very busy day to suddenly hold a previously unscheduled a press conference/tantrum. He was of course hoping to draw attention away from the funeral service for an American hero by acting like a crazy person. I’m not talking about dementia here; I’m talking serious, move-over-Randle-Patrick-McMurphy, bull goose looney. Person, crazy, tweet, coup, fuck.

Apparently, Chrump thought it would to a good idea to double down on his call for illegally holding the presidency hostage. Chrump mouth-tweeted, “And they say the winner of the election…I don’t want to see that take place in a week after November 3rd, or a month, or frankly, with litigation and everything else that can happen, years, or you never even know who won the election…I don’t want to be waiting around for weeks and months and literally, potentially – if you really did it right – years, because you’ll never know.” (emphasis mine) He is basically saying, “Nice election you got there, be a shame if something happened to it.”

“We cannot have free government without elections and if the rebellion [you know, that Civil War thingie] could force us to forego, or postpone a national election, it might fairly claim to have already conquered and ruined us.”
                                   Abraham Lincoln 1864
Chrump is now threatening to tie up the results in the courts when he loses bigly. He whined on, “I want to have the election, but I also don’t want to wait three months and then find out that the ballots are all missing and the election doesn’t mean anything. That’s what’s going to happen. That’s common sense. And everyone knows it. Smart people know it. Stupid people may not know it. And some people don’t want to talk about it, but they know it.” Translation: If I can’t hide all the ballots and I lose, the election will have been a hoax. Hell, Chrump whined about fake results in the 2016 election, and he “won” that one.
Steven Calabresi, co-founder of the conservative legal organization the Federalist Society described said Chrump’s “latest tweet [above] is fascistic and is itself grounds for the president’s immediate impeachment again by the House of Representatives and his removal from office by the Senate.” Obviously, Moscow Mitch McConnell will be ignoring this advice. I wonder if further attempts to meddle in the election – before, during or after November 3rd – would be enough for Republican’ts to re-impeach his fa(scis)t ass.
*giving further credence to the theory that Donald was not born on this planet

I. Mangrey reporting. Only 95 more cheating days until the election (not including the increasingly likely post-election shenanigans).

The Lincoln Project - Nationalist Geographic

1 comment:

  1. Apparently this horror has been tamed in.... Floriduh! according to dear-leader
