Friday, February 12, 2021

The Defense Reeks

The Most Offensive Defense

February 12, 2021

It is only thanks to America’s latest black hero Eugene Goodman that there are no dead or maimed members of Congress and the Capitol was not awash in blood after Donald Turmp sent his mindless minions to attack the Capitol, kill Mike Pence and any number of legislators. Like Frank Wills, the security guard at the Watergate Hotel who discovered the presence of Nixon’s plumbers and started in motion the wheels of justice resulting in the resignation-in-utter-disgrace of Richard Nixon, Goodman saved the lives of legislators being hunted by bloodthirsty Turmpers on January 6th.

Goodman, another black man who saved America from itself, risked his life as he diverted an angry racist mob away from what could have been a Manson-esque encounter with senators, representatives and the ultra-cowardly Mike Pence (who has maintained absolute silence despite knowing that his ex-boss essentially put out a hit on him for not forsaking the Constitution and helping Turmp overturn the legitimate election, and knowing that there was a gallows with his name on it erected just outside the Capitol).

Eugene Goodman distracted and then diverted Turmp’s crazed traitors, saving
countless lives during the Turmp-incited insurrection on January 6, 2021

One cannot help but wonder whether instead of only five dead, two subsequent suicides and more than 140 injured officers, that there were some number of their colleagues dead and injured at the hands of Turmp’s traitors, that they would then have to at least consider acting like real jurors rather than co-conspirators in Donald Turmp’s second impeachment trial. With any luck, Turmp will soon be facing real juries for real crimes in the real world.

Despite mountains of video, Twitter evidence, including countless idiots insisting that all the did they did for Turmp, when half of the jury was either complicit in the crime or simply unwilling to hear the evidence, not to mention literally conspiring with the defense. In Ratpublicans’ defense, many of them were AWOL while the evidence they already knew proved that the defendant they worshiped was guilty as hell was being presented. Many of these seditious senators warned us against electing the man whose ass they just can’t quit kissing just a few years ago.

After the Democratic House managers made their devastating case against Turmp’s months-long incitement of his fascist/racist followers, the twice-IMPEACHED, ex-fake-president’s broken-brained, bargain basement bozo barristers made will make what passes for their case to keep their client from being convicted of the crime everyone in the entire world could easily see he committed. They are expected to kkkeep their remarks brief since, a) they have no actual defense, b) their opening statements were ridiculed by every single person who witnessed them and, c) they have already settled out of court with their loyal jurists whose numbers are sufficient to squash what would otherwise be the inevitable conviction.

Though he is full of shit, they will acquit

The defense of Turmp’s blatant, shameless, irrefutable incitement of insurrection harkens back to something Turmp said several years ago: “What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening.”

I. Mangrey reporting.                                                                                                       


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