Friday, August 20, 2021

Bush Whacked

Kabul Bobbled

August 20, 2021

I’ve got to stay here, but there's no reason why you folks shouldn't go out into the lobby until this thing blows over.
                                        Groucho Marx, Horse Feathers (1932)

Hey, remember this fuckin’ dummy…and his evil, fucking ventriloquist?

George W. Bush, who some hoped would be, and by all rights should have been, the worst president for a century of American history, beginning with his controversial “election”, his disgraceful appointment by the (seemingly perpetual) conservative Supreme Court, and his historically disastrous time in office, is back in the news.

The horrific blunder that the Bush team perpetrated in Afghanistan in response to 9/11 is finally coming to something vaguely resembling a conclusion. Current, actually-elected President Joe Biden is the third subsequent president to be saddled with Bush’s Blunder since the Idiot-in-Chief left office, and left this country and in many respects the entire world, much worse off than when he found it. And I do mean found it, since Bush was unaware of anything outside the eliminative end of his digestive tract, where he kept his head for so many years.

As it turned out, Bush II, inarguably near the top of the list of the worst presidents in American history, had his record-breaking ineptitude eclipsed just eight years after relinquishing the post he never earned, never really wanted – other than as a way to work through his daddy issues – and certainly never used to promote niceness instead of evil. The dismal nature of the Bush years, as many of you will unfortunately and unsettlingly recall, was absolutely obliterated by the Orange Gas Cloud, whose single term in office we have recently and just barely survived…more or less.

Bush invaded, then quickly abandoned his 9/11 revenge foray into Afghanistan (should have been Saudi Arabia) after allowing Osama bin Laden escape into Pakistan, in favor of instigating an illegal war in Iraq. All of which caused major upheaval in the region and by extension, the world. Bush’s clean-up crew – the Obama administration – floundered in its attempts to extricate us from Bush’s quagmire, but succeeded in finally tracking down and killing bin Laden.

The next administration succeeded in elevating the selectively-Medieval, radical-fundamentalist Taliban by negotiating the release of some 5000 of their brethren (getting nothing in return), including the man who now leads the country formerly known as Afghanistan – now the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, and many of whom are now directly involved in the take-over of that country. Turmp also offered up a May 2021 withdrawal of American forces from Afghanistan, with – as was the consistent modus operandi of his presidency – no plan whatsoever.

Just six weeks ago, speaking at one of his patently pathetic, pandering pep-rallies, Turmp boasted, “I started the process all the troops are coming back home they couldn’t stop the process. Twenty-one years is enough don’t we think? Twenty-one years. They couldn’t stop the process.” Now Turmp, who also claims that the COVID pandemic was over when he left office, is blaming Biden for pulling out all the troops. Donald, go fuck yourself…I mean, go figure.

Turmp’s secretary of state Mike Pompeo and Mullah Abdul Ghani Baradar,
who Turmp helped free from prison and who is now a top Taliban official

Enter Joe Biden, who wanted to end the 20-year nightmare regardless. Biden did well to call it quits, though he clearly could have planned the departure and the safe evacuation of Americans and our thousands of Afghan allies while military support remained in country and viable. Each of those Afghans who provided assistance to the Americans has a price on his or her head, not to mention any woman who served in the Afghan government, or any young girl who dared pursue a modern education. USA, USA, USA.

For his two-bit part, Bush II issued a statement, which read in part, “Laura and I have been watching the tragic events unfolding in Afghanistan with deep sadness. Our hearts are heavy for both the Afghan people who have suffered so much and for the Americans and NATO allies who have sacrificed so much.” Too fucking little and way too fucking late.

Unfortunately, just days before the lightning-fast Taliban take-over of the Afghan capital Kabul, Biden insisted, “The Taliban is not the south – the North Vietnamese army. They're not – they're not remotely comparable in terms of capability. There's going to be no circumstance where you see people being lifted off the roof of an embassy in the – of the United States from Afghanistan. It is not at all comparable.”

Kabul embassy 2021                        Saigon embassy 1975
Comparable or not? You make the call.

Biden deserves some level of heat for the unmitigated, inexcusable sloppiness of the long overdue departure, but let us be clear who deserves the lion’s share of the responsibility/blame. The guy who waltzed us into Afghanistan with his fake cowboy boots, his shit-eating smirk and his murderous cabinet. Forgive? Maybe. Probably not. Forget? No fucking way in hell.

As badly, as it appears to the untrained eye, as Biden screwed up the withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan, can you imagine how it would have gone if the last guy had somehow managed to attempt following through on his alleged plan to do the same? Can you imagine Turmp even trying to extract even one Afghan who spent the past 20 years assisting and saving the lives of American troops in their country? No, you cannot imagine. And you do not want to try.

We already out-worsted George W. Bush, but if America ever manages to find someone worse than Donald Turmp to hold the highest office in the land, it will be the last throes of what Benjamin Franklin described as “A republic, if you can keep it.”

I. Mangrey remembering.                                                                                                 


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