Monday, November 15, 2021

Election 2021 Autopsy-Turvy

Winners And Losers And Winning Losers

November 15, 2021

In the aftermath of what most of the political punditry is calling an unmitigated disaster of an election – because Dems lost the governor’s race in Virginia, blame is being heaped on progressive Dems for jamming their Crocs into the legislative gears. So, the only Congress critters who actually give a shit about the majority of Americans (oh, and the planet) are being pilloried for not abandoning their principles by giving in to their corporate-clinging colleagues. It seems the experts have lost their minds sight of the fact that it is progressives who are fighting for the agenda that Joe Biden and significant majorities of Americans  who elected him to do what he campaigned on – want.


These high-paid hyenas of histrionics in the media have also forgotten that after every presidential election, the victorious party loses the governorships of both Virginia and New Jersey. And this year, after winning the presidency – despite the incessant whining of Ratpublicans all across the land to the contrary – New Jersey managed to eke out the retention of their Democratic governor. Maybe this means that Joe Biden really isn’t president after all…at least not in New Jersey. It’s hard to tell how anything really works anymore.

Fun fact: Naturally, there was rampant voter fraud. Naturally, it was perpetrated by Ratpublicans. Naturally, it was ignored by said Ratpublicans since their guy, Glenn Youngkin won his election in Virginia. A single incident (which would be portrayed as hundreds-of-thousands by Ratpublicans) of attempted voter fraud was uncovered in the Virginia gubernatorial race. Funnier fact: Glenn Youngkin’s 17-year-old son twice tried to vote illegally. In fact, he attempted to do so in a precinct where his family doesn’t even live. Twice. According to authorities, the younger Youngkin did not technically break any laws. He only tried to. And after all, he’s white. And Ratpublican.

For any others out there who don’t know anything at all about voting in America, the voting age is 18. Which is more than 17. And one is required to vote where they live. This is true even for white people and Ratpublicans. For now.

*The origin of the word “sabotage” is believed by some to derive from stories of striking French laborers throwing their wooden shoes sabots into the machinery, over a century ago. Is this why similarly-fashioned though non-wooden footwear are called clogs?

I. Mangrey reporting. Because it’s there.

Bonus Track:

Frank Zappa - Sinister Footwear II

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