Predictions, Prophecies, Prognostications, Projections and Piffle
The End (of The Year) is Near
December 26, 2022
Where Will We Have Gone From Here
Well, here we are once again. One year dies out, another takes its
place. 2022 was filled festooned with the hit miniseries January 6th
Committee v. Trump and The Stupid. So it goes. We survived the campaigns of
Herschel “Abortion King” Walker, Doug “Election Decider” Mastriano, Mehmet “I Always
Get My Crudités At Wegners” Oz and Kari “On, Like Trump In A Skirt” Lake. Though,
Lake is still carrying on, and carrying on Trump Ratpublicans’ new normal by
refusing to accept the results of any election they lose.
The COVID pandemic Trump tried to turn into a random genocide
mutated its way into our hearts for another year, as Trump mutated into an even
more pathetic, more dangerous and more indictable version of himself. Vladimir
Putin invaded Ukraine in an attempt to remove it from the map so he can start
World War III and become the next Russian tsar. The United States Extreme Court
overturned more long-standing law by overturning Roe v. Wade, which played no
small part in handing Ratpublicans the weakest midterm showing in decades,
allowing Democrats to increase their Senate majority, and add governorships and
state legislature majorities across the country.
Climate crisis catastrophes accelerated in number and degree across
the globe as oil companies continued to sabotage all attempts to reduce human
impacts on global conditions.
NASA launched the James Webb telescope to see if there is
intelligent life anywhere in the universe. Nothing so far.
Save America From Americans
Still, thanks to Ratpublicans insisting on eliminating elections,
democracy and reality in general, the stupidity is so overwhelming and so
widespread that our entire system of political and social norms, such as they
are, risk collapsing into chaos and fascism. It is not hyperbole to imagine
long-term irreparable damage to civilization itself if these medieval Machiavellian
morons have their way. This is not one of our predictions (Or is it?), but just
something think and gnash your teeth about.
Now, Back To The Future
Many people do not realize that predicting the future is not an
exact science. Truth be told, science is not always an exact science. A large
swath of America does not even think science is real. In
reality – as if that’s still a thing – nobody can predict the future…as if that’s still a thing. Nonetheless, we
will put our non-existent reputation on the line to tell it like it will be.
Our record has been as good as anyone’s since our first foray into Predictions,
Prophecies, Prognostications, Projections and Piffle back in 2013.
Carnac, questioning all the answers that will be given in 2023
So, 2022, finally goes the way of all years, good, bad or ugly. It is all but guaranteed that we will be here to see it end.
In any event, here is what we predict you will see over the next 12
6, 2023
If The Guy’s A Blight, You
Must Indict
The Jan 6 Committee along with
Attorney General Merrick Garland reconvenes in a surprise primetime appearance
to announce the warrant for the arrest of Donald Trump.
A somewhat less somber than
usual AG Garland:
Two years ago today in this hallowed edifice, then-president
and life-long asshole, racist, fascist conman Donald Trump – you’ll pardon the
expression – incited a premeditated coup attempt. His supporters beat law
enforcement officers with American flags, Blue Lives Matter banners, pointed
sticks, and assorted other weaponry as they attempted to subvert the will of
the majority – an uncommonly large majority – of the American electorate.
Obviously, seeing as Mr. Trump was sorest winner when he did actually win the
Electoral College – with the help of Russia (even says so in the Mueller
report, though Mueller himself was unwilling to say that), he was not expected
to take losing well, especially losing in such spectacular fashion. Frankly, he
got crushed. But really, what could he have expected? The first time, no one
knew what a Trump administration would really look like. Well, some of us kind
of did know, but once people got a good, long whiff of the criminality,
incompetence and blatant racism and authoritarianism, who but the most
deplorable among us would vote for him a second time. Okay, so he did get many
more votes the second time around, but that’s not the point. He lost. He lost
big. He committed innumerable crimes in the attempt to overturn his loss and
now his ass belongs to the law. The only thing left to say is, “Lock him up!”
January 11, 2023
This Is An Ex-president
As authorities search for the disgraced,
twice-impeached, failed insurrection leader and Fifth-Amendment-dependent
ex-one-term-president, Trump attempts to hide out in a Monty Python sketch from
50 years ago.
But is
ultimately caught because he is too big, fat and stupid to blend in…

Trump, placed in the appropriate Python sketch,
more than just tired and shagged out following a prolonged squawk
And so begins the Paying Attention™ panoply of predictions for 2023. As always, Ed Venture, I. Mangrey, T. Doff and Shay King bring you the future before it’s too late.
Go and get an appropriate attitude adjustment and gird your loins folks, we’re just getting started. It is predicted that Part II will be appearing very soon.
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