Thursday, December 1, 2022

It’s Not A House, It’s A Home*

One Flew Over The Cukoo's Nest...The Rest Are Busy Shitting It

December 1, 2022

Many people are saying this; it's not me saying it, though I wouldn't put it past me. They are saying that as a result of the 2022 election, the inmates will be running the asylum beginning in January 2023. But it is not just that the inmates will be running the asylum. These inmates are either off their meds, in the queue for lobotomy, or have escaped custody and will be permitted to vote in absentia. Fortunately, just like their dear leader, we can be sure that once they take office, they will pivot and act professional. Right?

Morning at the asylum

As everyone knows, the only reason Ratpublicans win most House seats is the vote-suffocating gerrymandering they have instituted. Though the predicted Red Wave of 2022 turned into a post nasal drip, there is still much to worry about. That post nasal drip could easily morph into pneumonia if we are not careful. By some accounts, more than 170 Republicans will be in Congress in 2023 who have either denied or cast doubts on the legitimacy of Joe Biden’s presidential win in 2020. That is 170 out of a total of 535 in the House and Senate. Out of that 535, only approximately 270 (as of this writing) are Ratpublicans. So 63% of Ratpublicans are election liars, who now hold a slim majority in the House and a slim minority in the Senate.

“We have never studied in history how much taxes people paid back in the ice ages to warm up the Earth and melt the ice.”
                                        actual quote from Marjorie Taylor Greene…seriously

Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is the prohibitive favorite to take the gavel from Nancy Pelosi. Most historians agree that we will be bidding farewell to the first woman, and perhaps most accomplished and consequential Speaker of the House in American history to what is likely to be the least consequential speakership perpetrated by the least mentally competent Speaker of all time, that is, until the next Ratpublican speaker who could very well make Herschel Walker look like Albert Einstein. Remember, McCarthy raged that when he becomes Speaker of the House, which is now a distinct and very frightening possibility, he will reinstate dangerous morons like Taylor Greene and Paul Gosar’s committee assignments, which they lost due to insane and hateful comments. Won’t that be grand.

Charlie…I mean Kevin McCarthy, professional dummy:
talking out of a hand up his ass

McCarthy also promised to remove Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Eric Swalwell (D-CA) and Adam Schiff (D-CA) from their respective committees if he becomes Speaker of the House in January. For reasons that exist only in the fevered minds of mental defectives like McCarthy.

Napoleon XIV – They're Coming To Take Me Away

Suddenly, the inimitable (that’s not a complement) Marjorie Taylor Greene has been showing up all over my tv screen, pretending to act like a serious person. She has somehow escaped from her peach-tree dish, survived Nancy Pelosi’s gazpacho Police and all the space lasers the Jews could muster to take her place in the new disproved 118th Congress under the stewardship of Kevin McCarthy or something like him. Greene is already laying out her laundry list of failures: investigating Nancy Pelosi for January 6th, avenge the terrible treatment of January 6 traitors, bringing Anthony Fauci and Hunter Biden to justice, investigating support for Ukraine, impeaching Merrick Garland, various cabinet members and possibly Joe Biden…for trying to extort Ukraine and then starting an insurrection – oh wait, that was the last guy (the one they unflinchingly stood up for) – I mean for being a Democrat.

Ratpublicans want to defund the FBI and eliminate the Department of Justice. Rumor has it that they also plan to appeal the court-martial of Benedict Arnold, demand a recount of the 1860 election (claiming Stephen Douglas had the election stolen), and make Christianity the official religion of the United States. One can only assume there will be more Benghazi hearings, a new round of investigations into Hillary Clinton’s emails and the nomination of Donald Trump for a series of Nobel Prizes and the Supreme Court, and ultimately a push for sainthood, which can now be decided by the six Bishops or Cardinals or whatever the majority of Extreme Court call themselves. Buckle up boys and girls.

STFU by Todd Rundgren featuring Rick Nielsen
video/montage by henrylacher

As of now Jim “I See Nothing” Jordan, who has been credibly accused of ignoring sexual abuse at Ohio State while he was a men’s wrestling coach, and who is obviously about 50 cards short of a full deck, is poised to become chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

I have to admit that the Democrats in Congress have no one who compare to any of the leading…let’s call them lights, for the sake of argument…on the Ratpublican side. Even the so-called Do-Nothing 80th Congress (also Ratpublican) actually did something as far as passing legislation. The 118th Congress will not only be a real do-nothing Congress; it will become known as The Revenge Congress. They will have neither time nor inclination to put forth policy, which is fortunate because anything they might do would be better left undone anyway. Instead, they will be loser-focused on harassing, haranguing and hallucinating.

*A happy home, where life is beautiful all the time…for the deranged and dangerous

I. Mangrey reminding.                                                           



A very famous dummy named McCarthy …
and Edgar Bergen’s Charlie

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