Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Slaves With Benefits

How White You Are

July 26, 2023

As if I needed any further fodder (wait, that can’t be right, shouldn’t it be any fodder further?) for my angst and, let’s call it discontent. It has come to my attention that many of the Africans dragged from their homes and who managed not to die on the voyage across the ocean wherein they were transported like debris (not exactly a Carnival Cruise), and then became slaves in the New World, benefitted greatly from their captivity by developing “skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit”* someday down the road…possibly. Some benefitted by learning skills like not dying from savage beatings, inhuman working conditions, rape, perpetual emotional torture and not being lynched. Apparently, some also gained skills like blacksmithing, or golfing or something, which they could then use later in life if they were not being hunted down by angry White mobs who refused to admit that 1) slavery was inherently evil, and 2) slavery had been abolished in the United States.

Would this be considered a skill?

Holocaust Deniers, Meet Slavery Deniers

None of my ancestors had the luxury of being dragged half way across the globe, enslaved by a bunch of savages and learning marketable skills. Most of my ancestors were merely dragged from their homes, taken a little ways away and murdered in Nazi concentration camps, where no useful skills were imparted to those who managed to escape dreadful slaughter.

One of the Fux News talking heads decided to drag noted Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor ViKtor Frankl (who he referred to as “Vik Frankl” because I guess they were buddies in an alternate reality) into the fray, whining that Frankl said that some Jews survived the death camps by making themselves useful. Keep digging asshole.

Naturally, the rabid rat-in-a-tie who took Fucker Carlson’s place (remember him?) on Fux was appalled, appalled I tell you, that Vice President Kamala Harris had the audacity to push back against Florida’s decision – based on Ron DuhSantis’ “War on Woke” – to begin teaching the delusional up-side to the indelible stain on the American Experiment that was slavery.

Carlson’s repugnant replacement Jesse Watters posed this: “I just have to ask the African Americans watching right now [African Americans, plural? Watching Fux News? Really?] What’s it like to be lied to by Kamala Harris? What’s it like to be lied to by these buffoons on MSNBC?” One imagines it is much like being lied to every single minute of every single day by watching Fux News, except that the almost-all-white, almost-all-over-60 Fux audience wouldn’t know a lie if it pissed on their leg and called it rain. Oh wait, that’s what Fux does all the time.

Done DuhSantis

On a happier note, Florida Governor Ron DeRacist, now that his political career has come to an ignominious, hard-earned conclusion, should be sold into slavery to learn a new skill.

* Quoth the craven Ron DuhSantis, while claiming he had nothing to do with the Florida bored of “education” attempting to whitewash the disgraceful institution of slavery. After mewling, “I didn’t do it. I had nothing to do with it,” DuhSantis went on to explain why he thought it was a good idea to teach about the benefits of having been enslaved in America.

I. Mangrey reconstructing.                                                       


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