Friday, September 29, 2023

Schmuck Of The Day

No Jackoff Required

September 29, 2023

Why the fuck is committee chairman and credibly accused sexual abuse enabler Jim Jordan not wearing a fucking jacket like every other man in Congress? Why does he hate America?

What a disrespectful fucking slob; but at least he’s an idiot

Fascist Party assholes are fine with daily mass gun murders in this country, they are fine with their ousted party boss/ex-president inciting an insurrection, threatening execution of the outgoing chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and having been found liable of sexual abuse and guilty of fraud lasting decades, but they cannot, they will not, abide anyone not wearing a suit and tie when they come to work (except Jim Jordan), because that, and only that is the true measure of a man. And I do mean man. That, and only that, is what apparently what holds our fragile democratic republic together.

Poor Jim, he is in over his empty head

And why is Jordan crying? Is it because he’s Sofa King stupid? Is it because he turned a stupid eye while his fellow coach sexually abused members of his wrestling team at Ohio State? We may never know, since this asshole won’t even honor a Congressional subpoena.

Instead, Jordan’s Overslight Committee decided to hold a pathetic, illegal (there was no vote to hold this sham hearing, something that is required), and ultimately disastrous – for the Fascist Party – so-called impeachment inquiry. Every one of their expert legal witnesses testified that there was no evidence whatsoever with which to begin an impeachment of Joe Biden.

To be fair, there was one bit of evidence, but it turned out that had been photoshopped and was only evidence of the bankruptcy, desperation and stunning, however expected, dishonesty of the Fascist Party.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-VA) seems a bit mixed up

Another Democratic representative literally dared Ratpublicans to hold the impeachment vote then and there if they were so sure of their cause. The only thing we learned from this exercise in stupidity was, where there’s smoke, there’s mirrors.

Here’s Jordan again without a fucking jacket.
Oh, the Hugh Manatee!

Who will ever forget the immortal Benjamin Franklin on the last day of the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia on September 18, 1787, when a lady asked Dr. Franklin, “Well Doctor what have we got a republic or a monarchy,” and Franklin famously replied, “A republic if you can keep it by having people in the proper attire.”

This has been your Paying Attention™ Schmuck Of The Day. What the schmuck.

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