Tuesday, January 2, 2024

INTRODUCING: Brand New Paying Attention™ Feature

January 2, 2024

To celebrate the new year, while there still may be reason to celebrate it, Paying Attention™ is excited to announce a brand-new feature:

Look Who’s Fuckin' Talking

We will from time to time bring you special moments of stunning, toxic and mind-blowingly-stupid lacks of self-awareness. And there promises to be no shortage of opportunities in 2024. Not only because this is a leap year, giving us an entire extra day of potential cluelessness, but because ignoramuses like Lauren Boebert, Empty G, Donald Trump and a cast of thousands continue to draw breath and emit sounds.

To kick things off, we bring you an unsurprising entry. You may know him as a little man in high-heels, pretending to be a big boy. A petty tyrant, vying to become even more petty and more tyrant-y.

A man who, while running for governor of his state, ran an ad featuring him building a toy wall with one of his children, explaining MAGA to a toddler, and reading Donald Trump’s The Art of The Deal to his infant child

What a maroon!

A man whose “smile” not only looks like he is nauseous, but makes anyone gazing upon it nauseous.

After becoming governor he passed the "Don't Say Gay" law in his state, as well as a ban on abortion after six-weeks. He had immigrants kidnapped and carted off to northern states, and fights every day to ban books and history. He has fought tirelessly to stop intelligent thought from contaminating his state, relentlessly seen to it that institutions of learning – at every level – bury science, truth and reality where it can never be seen.

Our maiden voyage on the USS Look Who’s Fuckin' Talking™ brings us to the slimy shore of dithering dipshit and Florida governor Ron DuhSantis, currently running for president and from himself and his past, and his present. DuhSantis inspired this feature while desperately trying to separate himself from the man he begged to endorse his run for governor, the man he supported to the last, well, next to last. DuhSantis has finally realized, now that his campaign is on life-support, that he cannot simultaneously try to be and run against Trump.

In his last-ditch effort to salvage his useless, pathetic campaign on the eve of the Iowa caucuses, the current self-anointed dictator of the land called Florida, the man who has weaponized everything he could get people to spell for him, including schools, libraries and health care, said this of his now-former bestie Donald Trump:

“Lets just be clear: Trump is fine with weaponization if it’s against people he doesn’t like.”

Talk about the pot calling the kettle fucked in the head. Someone get this man a mirror and a brain.

Oh what the hell, go ahead. Use it. How much worse could he be?

We look forward to the day when a special ops team drags Ron out of a spider hole in the Everglades.

This has been a Paying Attention™ special feature:
Look Who’s Fuckin' Talking

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