Saturday, December 14, 2019

It’s Miller Slime

One Cagey Bastard

December 14, 2019

How about for hiring white nationalists as top advisors?
With impeachment hanging so heavily in the air, it is sometimes difficult to focus on other issues.  Asshole Ambassador Gordon Sondland testified that "everyone was in the loop" on extorting Ukraine for fake dirt on Joe Biden.  All of Chrump's (third-string) best people were just following orders to aid and abet their boss's continuing attempts to do Russia's bidding, which includes getting Chrump re-elected by the Electoral College.  One of the few West Wingers not to be mentioned in the Ukraine scandal was Chrump's golden (white, actually) boy and immigration policy architect, Stephen Miller.  Miller did pop up in the headlines recently for his own special brand of assholery.

Stephen “The Ghost of Nazis Past” Miller continues to flaunt his white nationalist bona fides.  The usually contained stench of Chrump’s right-hand accomplice recently seeped beyond the confines of the West Wing. 
The Southern Poverty Law Center uncovered 900 emails sent between 2015 and 2016, from anti-president Chrump’s top advisor and architect of the White House’s immigration-policy-of-mass-destruction to ultra-right-wing outlet, former home to Steve Bannon – Breitbart.  The emails were to no one’s surprise chock full of links and references to white nationalist dog whistles and websites – 80 percent of them.  This disclosure of the patently obvious has brought forth calls for Miller’s ouster.  The Bigot-in-chief however, is standing by his Gollum.  Seeing as white nationalism is now foundational to Chrump’s national policy and is the glue holding Chrump’s voting demographic together, Miller’s enshrinement in the who’s who of WTF will only serve to strengthen Chrump’s image among the not-so-few, the erroneously proud…the Maroons.
An ebullient Miller celebrates the day he finally escaped
his mother’s womb, vowing one day to put children in cages
Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has started a petition demanding that Miller resign.  The petition states, “A white nationalist is currently serving as a top advisor to the President of the United States.  This man cannot serve in the White House. Sign your name to demand his resignation immediately.”  Ocasio-Cortez tweeted, “Stephen Miller must resign. Now.  Each day we allow a white nationalist to be in charge of US immigration policy is a day where thousands of children & families lives are in danger.  This year alone, under Miller's direction, the US has put almost 70,000 children in custody.”
Miller, who clearly should have been born decades earlier when he could have helped the Nazis exterminate his own people, must now be content working for the most racist, brutish president in modern American history.  Surely, Miller is unhappy being constrained to merely locking innocent children in cages while similarly being reduced to deporting, rather than exterminating, their parents.  Miller, who grew up in a liberal Jewish household, somehow seems completely at ease knowing that he has made it impossible for many of these migrant parents to ever find their kidnapped children again.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

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