Thursday, April 2, 2020

Bottom’s Up

The Blight At The End Of The Tunnel

April 2, 2020
Everyone is familiar with the concept of hitting rock bottom.  Hopefully, you have not done it, but you know what it is.  People with addictions keep hurting themselves until they hit rock bottom.  Sometimes that is the only way we as humans finally get the message that we must change our behavior.  More on this later.
He gives himself a ten.  Your carnage may vary.
Apparently because of all the other unbelievable successes that have been added to Jared Kushner’s fantasy portfolio, his father-in-law had also put him in charge of keeping people from dying from COVID-19.  Jared is out there making great deals for desperately needed equipment.  Naturally it’s all about the money.  Jared won’t be conned into paying too much for respirators and ventilators – that’s his schtick.
Side note: Speaking of greedy motherfuckers, passing an emergency aid package that will put a small amount of money directly into the pockets of working-class Americans appeared to be harder than passing a grapefruit-size kidney stone for Republican’ts who are freaking out because they have to give money to people who actually (and now desperately) need it.  These are the same “people” who never bat an eye when it comes to reallocating trillions of our dollars to the richest among us over and over and over again.  Tax cuts for the rich we are told, pay for themselves.  Money for those who need it?  That, my friends is SOCIALISM.  We have not reached the peak of this pandemic – the virus I mean.  We may never reach the peak of the greed pandemic.  Not to mention the pandemic of stupidity that has Chrump’s approval rating higher than ever.
Rand Paul (KY), Tim Scott (SC), Mike Lee (UT), Ben Sasse (NE)
Jim Inhofe (OK)*, Ron Johnson (WI), Marsha Blackburn (TN), Unk Putz

If possible, donate to defeat these assholes, or if you are
unfortunate enough to live near them, vote them out NOW.

For his part, Chrump pretended he knew when it would be safe to ignore the pandemic and get back to eating the $130 per person Easter buffet at his DC hotel (you know, the one the law specifically forbids from owning since he allegedly works for the federal government).  Chrump also knows what states need how many ventilators and is doling them out according to what his gut tells him – that’s the same gut that is swimming in Coke, KFC, Burger King and one imagines, golf balls.  If you think this sounds bad you don’t know Donald Jello Chrump. 
President Death is also withholding needed support from states whose governors are insufficiently deferential to his highness.  Chrump told reporters exactly how he felt about certain governors, “I think they should be appreciative. Because you know what? When they’re not appreciative to me, they’re not appreciative to the Army Corps [of Engineers], they’re not appreciative to FEMA. It’s not right.”  He has instructed his translucent side-kick not to return phone calls from governors who are unwilling to kiss the Ass That Launched a Thousand Flushes (per day).
If we are learning anything in the days of Chrump, it is that when it comes to his ability to be abominable there really is no bottom.  It has been an illusion all along.  There simply is no such thing as the worst thing he could possibly do.  Be advised and assured that he is and always will be capable of something worse than whatever you thought was the most horrendous thing he could do.  But don’t worry, Joe Biden will rally the nation to repeal and replace President Death – America’s Virus-in-chief.

*Totally not OK; seen below “proving” the absence of climate crisis with snowball and causing American icon Jon Stewart agita in February 2015.  
I. Mangrey reviling. 


  1. Hey...if you put some names on those ugly faces it might be easier for folks to donate to defeat them. Just sayin'.

  2. Huh? They're all named, including Unk Putz, who's clearly getting his hair style tips from the Hair-in-Chief.
