Friday, April 24, 2020

He's Not A Comedian, But He's Totally Killing

The Shitshow Must Go On

April 24, 2020

President Death continues his daily stream-of-unconsciousness task farce barfings.  He simply cannot stay away from cameras.  Many people are saying that having COVID-19 itself would be preferable to having to put up with continuing to be subjected to these daily psychotic episodes.  When Chrump isn’t lying or spouting insane bullshit that is directly responsible for more death (like hydroxychloroquine, which has killed people, and now, injecting disinfectant and ultraviolet light into peoples’ bodies), he is busy trying to either contradict medical experts standing right next to him or trying to convince those same experts that they are wrong and he is right.  A very stable douchebag.
Not only does Chrump not listen to anyone else, he clearly does not listen to himself.  He constantly denies saying things he said, sometimes only moments earlier.  Maybe he does hear himself or perhaps he just knows better than to take anything he says seriously.
It took long enough, but it appears that the Chrump crime family has finally decided to take the COVID pandemic seriously.  I say appears because, as everyone knows, you can’t trust these tiny-brained wipers of other people’s bottoms as far as you can throw the 239-pound patriarch, who weighs 280 pounds.  So far, they have made it clear that the rules we all are expected to follow do not apply to them.  Plus, the truth-averse head of this family of fraudulent freaks personally catapulted this pandemic into uncharted depths and has buckets of blood on his tiny hands and undermined the advice of all health experts.  Yes, he told us we need to wear masks in public, but in the same breath he insisted he would not be wearing one, and then he aided and abetted those of his minions who protested in favor of spreading the virus.
What are we to make of this sudden change of, for lack of a better word, heart?  Is this just another pathetic photo op or are they sincere about being ready to dig in and do their part to mitigate this ongoing crisis?  Or is this simply desperation resulting from well-deserved plummeting poll numbers just six months away from the next election on the heels of Chrump’s disastrous mismanagement of the corona pandemic crisis, much of which is Chrump’s fault and Chrump’s fault alone?  As surprising as it is to see any Chrumps involved in physical activity not involving golf clubs, shooting endangered species, or shoveling ungodly amounts of fast food into their faces, this is President Death and the Chrump crime family’s new ad campaign.
“Don’t say the Chrumps never did anything for you.”
Also found on the internets:
Not sure if these are real, but it's just a matter of time 
And of course, Jared is doing his (and everyone else’s part):

We are living in Drunk History times:
Your Drunk Neighbor: Donald Chrump
I. Mangrey reaching critical mess.
Bob Dylan – Everything Is Broken

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