Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Song For The Day

Imagine yourself on an empty beach in Hawai’i

Music To Feel Better By
April 1, 2020
It has been a rough few years dealing with Donald Chrump’s New American Carnage; add to that months of presidential primaries and then coronavirus upheaval.  And, as if all that was not a sufficient degree of tzuris, plop on top of all that weeks of sheltering in place, unemployment, incessant hand-washing, sterilization of countertops, doorknobs, light switches, shopping carts and food packaging, and the unending vigilance required to keep one’s toilet paper out of the very-likely-unwashed hands of marauding interlopers.
Now we are hearing that if we ever get up the nerve to leave our homes we might need to be walking around with some sort of mask for the foreseeable future.  It’s kind of amazing that though we see ourselves as such a technologically advanced species we are being laid low by one of the smallest, simplest most primitive entities in the known universe.
America’s top very-stable-genius has been in constant contact with some of the most experienced experts in epidemiology and virology for months now.  Formerly-respected physician and current coronavirus task force/Chrump suck-up member Deborah Birx actually said aloud, and apparently expects Americans to believe that President Death has “been so attentive to the scientific literature and the details and the data.”  Chrump showed off just how attentive he has been, and I quote, “The young people are really this is an incredible phenomenon but they are attacked, successfully attacked, to a much lesser extent by this pandemic, by this disease, this whatever they want to call it, you can call it a germ, you can call it a flu, you can call it a virus, you know you can call it many different names, I’m not even sure anyone even knows what it is.”  Yes, for some godforsaken reason this is an unfortunate phenomenon but this blobulent fart of a man is a one-man pandemic, or disease, this whatever you want to call him, you can call him a dick, you can call him a putz, you can call him a fraudulent psychopath, you know you can call him many different things, I’m not even sure anyone even knows what he is.  But thank goodness we have someone in charge who gets this in a way that no one else does, though many people are saying that Attila the Hun would have understood more and been more empathetic than Donald Chrump.
Desperately needing a pause in the disaster, we found an old tune that is just what the quarantined, possibly-COVID-19-positive-doctor-lacking-proper-protective-equipment-because-the-governor-of-her-state-did-not-kiss-Chrump’s-ass-sufficiently ordered in these troubled times…
Harry Nilsson provides the cure 

This has been your Paying Attention Song For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your song for the day?

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