Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Biden vs. The Master Baiter

Clash At The Cleveland Clinic

September 30, 2020

Sorry for the delay in getting this to press, but it took much longer to regain consciousness and then be able to hear myself think, after being subjected, albeit voluntarily, to the first "debate" between Joe Biden and a very angry cartoon blob. Anyone who managed to get through this without ingesting copious amounts of disinfectant, should consider themselves very strong and powerful, and very lucky (for the time being at least).

After CNN’s Jake Tapper weighed in describing Chrump’s performance as a “hot mess inside a dumpster fire, inside a trainwreck,” his colleague Dana Bash, apologetically unable to avoid unusually coarse language, called the unseemly spectacle “a shitshow.”

The Emperor Has No Brains

Chrump’s almost completely disintegrated brain was on full display, completely unable to control his basest urges, at one point talking about himself he said, “Before I came here, I was a private business people.” Unable to physically stalk his opponent as he did with Hillary Clinton, Chrump instead verbally pummeled Biden throughout the evening’s festivities. If anyone was worried about Biden’s ability to mentally and physically match the younger Chrump, the IMPEACHED president did everything possible to make Biden look in command of the moment, and himself looking alternately like a harpooned walrus, lashing out in desperation before succumbing to the inevitable.

Joe Biden did well to brave the storm of stupid, the layer upon layer of lies, the tsunami of tantrums, incessant interruptions, perpetual petulance, incalculable insolence, rampant racism and ballistic belligerence of an opponent who did not come to debate, but to smash a folding chair over Biden’s head in order to win a professional wrestling entertainment match.

Actual screen shots from last night's debate

Chris Wallace had to repeatedly demand that The Orange Mouth shut. But it could not shut, as Biden occasionally pointed out, and everyone – including the possible life on Mars – was able to hear for themselves as the evening raged on.

Meanwhile, Chrump could be seen saying, “Excuse me,” in the middle of a sentence with no one but the voices in his head interrupting him, apparently screaming, “Shut the fuck up you moron, do you have any idea what the hell you’re talking about?” At one point an exasperated Biden simply said, “Will you shut up, man?” The implied answer was, “No way” as Chrump just kept yammering away. 


Pundits bemoan the fact that both candidates interrupted each other. Only one of them was repeatedly demanded by the battered moderator to stop bellowing over both his opponent and the moderator. The other, Joe Biden, had to interrupt at times just to get a word in edgewise.

The Orange Gas Cloud did manage to keep his relationship with the Klan, neo-Nazis and white supremacists intact, while urging his supporters to break the law (again) by “urging my supporters to go into the polls and watch very carefully. Because that's what has to happen. I am urging them to do it.” Chrump later had to apologize for what his mouth said, “I have no control over what my mouth does. We’ve hardly ever met in fact. It may do more things. I don’t know. It’s not my problem. I don’t take responsibility for anything. We’ll have to see what happens.”

A desperate, unstable and monumentally malignant Chrump made sure that many more people will be singing this song…

I. Mangrey repulsed. Only 33 more cheating, lying and psychotic ranting days left until Election Day.

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