Saturday, September 26, 2020

World Fascism Entertainment

Chrump First, America Last

September 26, 2020

IMPEACHED president Donald Chrump still “thinks” and acts as though his milieu is a mix of reality TV and pro wrestling. To Chrump these fictions are real-life events. But his “presidency” is just a show. Though he is beating America over the head with a folding chair, Chrump’s presidency is the hoax he keeps caterwauling about. Chrump believes he is pitting the good guy against the bad guys as they do in the World Wrestling Entertainment “matches.” And he is the only good guy.

Chrump is worried that all the cheating he and his Republican’t enablers and his Russian benefactor Putin will still not be enough to defeat democracy and Joe Biden. He is getting more desperate and despotic by the minute.

A reporter asked Chrump: “Will you commit to making sure there is a peaceful transfer of power after the election?”

Chrump: “Well, we’re going to have to see what happens. I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster. Get rid of the ballots, and you’ll have a very peaceful — there won’t be a transfer, frankly, there’ll be a continuation. The ballots are out of control.”
Don’t get me wrong, he is without a doubt driving this ship of state into the dark waters of fascism. Intentional or otherwise (it’s getting hard to tell with someone who struggles to pronounce his own name – “Donald Prump,” and who waxed moronic to his minions about going to “Nars”), this sociopathic narcissist only has one setting, which is “Fuck you.” 

Prump does not believe in democracy. He is a paranoid, germophobic, malignant narcissist who believes he knows more about everything than everyone else, their proven expertise be damned. Chrump knows who should be president; the American electorate – who it cannot be noted often enough, rejected him outright in 2016 – to him, is a hoax.

Chrump threatened to disavow the election results in 2016, unless he won and he is doing the same thing now. He is a sociopath. And he is an autocrat wannabe.

Il Douche’s henchblob Bill Barr, turning the fascist up to eleven, called Porland, Seattle and New York City “anarchist jurisdictions” and entertained revoking federal funding. Barr has been busy casting aspersions – to put it mildly – on the veracity of our election process and the First Amendment right of American citizens to express their, let’s call it displeasure, with the Hoax President.

Chrump’s Turnkey General Bill Barr –
testifying under oath that he has no teeth

Madison Square Garden 1939 – before NYC was an anarchist jurisdiction,
presumably a preferable environment to Bill Barr

“This is not an election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden; this is an election between Donald Trump and democracy. And democracy must win.”
                              Bernie Sanders 9/24/20
IMPEACHED president and aspiring fascist Donald Chrump had the nerve to show his surprisingly-masked face to pay his disrespects beside Ginsburg’s casket as she laid in repose outside the Supreme Court where she served for 27 years. He was greeted fittingly with loud and sustained jeers and chants of “Vote him out!” and “Honor her wish!”, referring to the Justice’s final wish: “My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.” Chrump and his complicit wife quickly turned tail and left the scene of the crime.


As I write this, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg lies in state – the first woman and the first Jewish person to be afforded this honor – at our nation’s Capital. As horrible as this year 2020 has been, with the sabotaged impeachment, the scourge of the Chrump Virus, the deaths of so many more black lives – perhaps most notably George Floyd – at the hands of police, the massive wildfires on the West Coast, the death of one of the greatest Americans in our country's history – John Lewis, and now the untimely passing of another special trail-blazer and American icon – Ruth Bader Ginsburg, hopefully the next to lie in state in a flag-draped coffin will not be Democracy itself.

Buckle up folks, we’re coming in for a crash landing.

I. Mangrey reviling. Fascism in America – it’s not just hyperbole anymore.

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