Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Thought For The Day

Blame It On The Gun

May 25, 2022

Deadliest School Shooting In A Decade. Twenty-one (for now) dead. Nineteen children, two adults. Cut down by a teenager with an assault-style weapon, who first shot his grandmother. In Texas. America is currently averaging more than one mass shooting per day in 2022. USA! USA! USA! We’re #1.

Seeing as we are always told it is too soon to talk about gun control right after each daily mass shooting here in Second Amendment Land, many people are starting to wonder if maybe, just maybe the NRA is behind all these murders.

First, it keeps their precious guns in the news – in case anyone might be forgetting how awash we are in firearms. Second, there can never be a good time to do anything to stem the bloodbath.

And since it is becoming ever more clear that anyone who does not traffic in some conspiracy theory or other will soon find themselves shunned, here is one more: the NRA is paying people all over this country to perpetrate one heinous killing spree after another in order to ensure there is never a good time to talk, or especially to do anything about guns in America.

Just as the NRA pays off politicians to keep the guns flowing throughout the land, and buys Supreme Court justices to misinterpret the Constitution in service of protecting guns from people, why would they hesitate for one moment to pay people to commit mass murder in order to keep saying it's too soon to talk about gun control? I'm just asking questions.

Just so we’re clear, the 21 dead are not crisis actors. They are dead people. Killed by the NRA. Even if they did not pay this child to murder all these innocent people, which I assure you they did, they are still responsible. And reprehensible.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for the day?

1 comment:

  1. Making an otherwise transit to 60 loops round Sol to a sad nite
    Per usual, hearing the same damn talking pts . I weep
