Saturday, September 10, 2022

Fascism: Love It Or Leave It

Is America Semi-Dead?

September 10, 2022

“We want all voting to stop.”
Donald Trump, November 3, 2020

Trump said this as it became clear to everyone outside of his cult and the voices in his head that he was on the verge of losing the election in 2020.

Fun fact: Trump and the majority of Ratpublicans are now saying this as a matter of course. This is the permanent status quo they envision for their new version of “democracy.” If they are being honest, and they most certainly are not, they would be perfectly happy if all voting would stop.

Lest you think this hyperbole, current state senator, Pennsylvania Ratpublican gubernatorial candidate and Confederate cosplay creep Doug Mastriano actually said this on purpose:

I could decertify every machine in the state with a stroke of a pen via my secretary of state. I already have a secretary of state picked out. It’s a world-class person that knows voting integrity better than anyone else in the nation, I think, and I already have a team that’s gonna be built around that individual.

If that’s not democracy then…wait a minute, that is totally and unquestionably not democracy or anything like it. And just for the record, here is Mastriano posing (while still on active duty) with fellow U.S. Army War College faculty waaay back in 2014:

Mastriano (left). Notice that no one else is dressed as a racist traitor.
Did we mention this picture was taken in Gettysburg, PA?

As if all this Mastriano malignancy was not enough, Rolling Stone just published a video of the fascist wanna-be-governor. The quote comes from a Zoom billed as a “Global Prayer for Election Integrity” on December 30, 2020 just one week before the January 6 insurrection that Mastriano attended. He allegedly did not enter the Capitol building, but was photographed (or whatever it is the kids call it these days) outside the Capitol that day. Make sure you’re seated, but not in the driver’s seat before attempting to read this perfect quote:

I pray that we’ll take responsibility. We’ll seize the power that we had given to us by the Constitution, and as well by You, providentially. I pray for the leaders also in the federal government, God, on the Sixth of January that they will rise up with boldness.

Whatever could he have meant by “rise up with boldness?”

There’s No ‘Semi’ In Fascist

Not only are most Ratpublican losers refusing to concede defeat, but they are planning, if they do manage to get elected, to ensure that any subsequent elections can only be won by other Ratpublicans. One dipshit who lost a primary explained that he would have challenged the results even if he had won.

They are not semi-fascists, as Joe Biden called them. They are full-blown fascists who refuse to admit (at least publicly) and refuse to accept that there is any way they can ever lose any elections. That being said, it makes sense that, seeing how Ratpublicans have always been opposed to wasting money on anything other than tax cuts for the rich and government subsidies (i.e., welfare) to oil companies, pharmaceutical companies and the like, that they believe it is a waste of money to even have elections. They clearly believe that they should simply have each of their candidates appointed to whatever office they choose so we can get on with the fascism and racism and baby-making by rape and incest. And the end of a habitable planet.

copyright 2018 I. Mangrey

One More Thing

According to a new Reuters/Ipsos poll, 

Fifty-eight percent of respondents in the two-day poll – including one in four Republicans – said Trump's "Make America Great Again" movement is threatening America's democratic foundations.

It's about fucking time. This keeps me nauseously optimistic.

I. Mangrey reporting.  I hold these truths to be self evident.                                                 


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