Sunday, October 13, 2024

The More Things Strange, The More They Stay The Same

The Art Of Kampf
Who Did Nazi This Coming

October 13, 2024

As we watch the 2024 election play out, it seems that Kamala Harris is running her campaign a la Sun Tzu’s The Art of War while “fascist to the core” (according to former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley) Trump seems to prefer relying on  Adolph Hitler’s Mein Kampf. To paraphrase Forest Gump, “Fascist is as fascist does.”

Remind you of anyone?

I'm sure Trump was just kidding

Just sayin’.

As of now, Der Furor is planning a remake of the 1939 straight-up Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden.

The original “America First” gathering of goons 

Never forget. Never again. Please?

A Night at the Garden | An American Nazi Rally in 1939

Trump is not Hitler – he is just riding with Hitler*

According to another soon-to-be-released-too-late book by Bob Woodward, Mark Milley, the US Army general who was one of DarnOld Trump’s “best people,” Trump’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had this to say about Hair Trump:

He is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country. A fascist to the core.

And, in case you missed it, Trump has already pre-blamed the Jews for his upcoming loss in November.

*And there’s a non-zero chance Trump thinks Adolph is in the room with him.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

Friday, October 11, 2024

Fascinating – Fascist To The Core

So Long, And Thanks For All The Words

October 11, 2024

Donald Trump is now talking about

It appears that DarnOld Trump has finally forgotten the magic words from his very strong and powerful “cognitive test” which he totally aced better than anyone since Abraham Lincoln.

Who can forget that historic moment when Trump bragged that he was able to remember “person, woman, man, camera…tv.” Hell, even I can remember them at this point, having seen him brag about it so many times. Now Trump has been repeating a new set of words everywhere he goes:

Radical Left, Marxist, Communist, Fascist.

Trump attaches these words to Kamala Harris. He does not know what any of them mean. And how did he leave out ‘Socialism?’ Is it because his handlers have finally realized that Americans, whether they know it or not, actually love socialism?

There is in fact one presidential candidate (and his ruining mate), and only one who could qualify as one of those monikers. And it ain’t Kamala Harris.

According to another soon-to-be-released-too-late book by Bob Woodward, Mark Milley, the US Army general who was one of DarnOld Trump’s “best people,” Trump’s Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, had this to say about Hair Trump:

He is the most dangerous person ever. I had suspicions when I talked to you about his mental decline and so forth, but now I realize he’s a total fascist. He is now the most dangerous person to this country. A fascist to the core.

The second most dangerous is every schmuck who will vote for Traitor Trump on November 5th.


*What The Fascinating Fuck

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Pre-election Rerun/Recap/Refrain – Our MAGA Don

The End Of Something Is Nigh

October 10, 2024

Sometimes it’s fun, sometimes interesting, sometimes depressing or even painful to look back and see what things were like after significant events and changes have had their way with us. Sometimes you don’t have to look back very far to recall a seismic shift while on the verge of another seismic shift.

We take you back to the days of yesteryear…well, yestermonth, exactly 10 months before E-Day 2024, when the literal fate of American democracy is on the ballot. You may recall that back then a historically impactful (in a positive way, unlike his disaster-ridden, Russian-asset opponent), historically aged Joe Biden was making his case for a second term as president, and running against the guy he trounced in 2020, though that guy insists (knowing full well that he is full of shit and other less savory substances) that he did not lose.

My how things have changed.

Biden has stepped aside to help protect America from another fatal second of a Trump presidency. The press, who spent so much time, so many columns, so much of their waning credibility, on how old and slow Joe Biden was, just lets the clearly demented, frascist, hateful, dishonest and frankly stupid – not to mention practically the same age as Biden – prattle on and on and on about crowd size, Hannibal Lecter and toilet flushing without so much as a what-the-fuck. And don’t even get me started on the long-disgustingly-withheld news that Trump not only gifted his sugar-daddy Vladdy with much-needed-here-at-home COVID testing during the height of the pandemic, but has been in close contact with the murderous thug since leaving office, which is likely just this side of treason. Oops, I started. But I’ll stop.


January 5, 2024

Disgraced, twice-impeached, four-time-indicted (so far), failed insurrection leader, Fifth-Amendment-dependent ex-one-term-president and current professional defendant Donald Trump is planning to celebrate tomorrow like it was the fucking Fourth of July and Christmas combined.

Tomorrow, of course, is the third anniversary of the Trump-incited assault and siege on the United States Capitol – you remember the United States, right? – which included the hunt for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Vice President Mike Pence and countless others for the purpose of either kidnapping, assault or assassination. The events of the day featured the brutal assault of 140 members of law enforcement, defecating on the walls, and the death of one of their fellow seditionist dipshits as she tried to breach the last line of security between the insane, bloodthirsty Trump mob and members of Congress, which resulted in the crazed intruder being shot dead by security. Trump, et al naturally consider her a martyr – just like all those martyrs of yesteryear who donned their gray uniforms and died while attempting to overthrow the government of the United States in the name of protecting Nikki Haley…I mean, slavery.

Trump has repeatedly called his cult members – the poorly educated, the anti-democratic, the shamelessly violent salt scum of the earth…you know, morons – heroes and political prisoners. He promises to pardon each and every seditionist, insurrectionist, murderer and America-fucking asshole convicted of myriad crimes against the United States on Trump’s “orders” on January 6, 2021 – a date which will live in infamy. That is, unless you are Donald Trump or one of his mentally and democratically deficient mob of cretins (and I’m using that descriptor in the more technical, clinical sense – i.e., an IQ between 50–69 and not merely as an ad hominem attack on a bunch of idiots).

Weekend At Biden’s

Joe Biden on the other hand will be observing 1/6 like it was Pearl Harbor or 9/11. Biden will officially launch his re-election campaign today (instead of tomorrow due to predicted foul weather) at Valley Forge (famous for its foul weather some years ago), warning the American people of the fascist threat posed by his would-be opponent and his cult.

Whatever you might think about Biden, and though he often fought against the middle class in favor of the filthy rich and corporations throughout his career and was instrumental in allowing Clarence “Uncle” Thomas to sit on the now-horribly-stained Supreme Court bench, Biden never fought against the United States or our democracy, as did (and does) his presumptive Hitler-channeling opponent this coming November.

From this reporter’s perspective, there is simply no contest. I don’t care if Biden is 181 and kept alive by a room full of machines and round-the-clock medical staff, or even by smoke and mirrors. I don’t care if by Election Day he is Bernie from Weekend at Bernie’s. I’d sooner vote for Kevin McCarthy – he’s not an evil, fascist, toxic narcissist psychopath; he’s just a fucking spineless idiot.

Nothing else matters folks! Believe me.

I. Mangrey reporting. Your mileage may vary.                                                                                                                                                      

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Question For The Day – F(r)iends


With F(r)iends Like His…

October 9, 2024

The First Amendment, among other things, provides for the right to peaceably assemble. Therefore, every American has the constitutionally-given freedom to associate with whomever he or she desires. You may recall the apoplexy around presidential candidate Barack Obama spending time with the controversial preacher Jeremiah Wright, who for some reason that escaped the white, male hand-wringers had a bone to pick with white people in America. Obama was accused of “palling around with terrorists.”

A current presidential candidate – one who has already served one term as president and was impeached twice during that time, who has been found guilty of sexual assault (which one judge described as rape), and was found guilty of tax/financial fraud, may well be going on trial for inciting insurrection, stole classified documents from the White House, and is currently the proud owner of 34 felony convictions – has also been palling around with characters to some might well find objectionable. By now everyone is all too aware of DarnOld Trump’s man-crush on the likes of Vladimir Putin, Kim Jong Un, Viktor Orban, Xi Jinping and any other authoritarian currently fouling the global political atmosphere.

Here are some of the other characters Trump has cozied up to who you might have forgotten.

Welcome to America’s Got Assholes: Who's Who of WTF

Trump & Epstein – pedo pals

Trump with disbarred attorney Rudy Giuliani

Trump & former (?) crackhead Mike Lindell

Donye & Conye – anti-Semites

Shiddy & Diddy – Rapes ‘r’ Us

Don & new BFF Leon* "Jumping Butterballs" Musk – rich white fucks

Today’s Question For The Day:

Shall we judge a man by the company he creeps keeps?

Paying AttentionSpecial Feature:

As a special feature, since we are on the verge (kind of like Thelma and Louise on the verge of becoming briefly airborne) of the most consequential election of our lifetimes, we are including a one-time-only Answer For The Day…

Today’s Answer For The Day:

Well, fuck yeah.

*Dr. Dementia has referred to Musk as Leon – because his brain is rapidly disintegrating. Or perhaps his good friend Hannibal Lecter had his brain for dinner. Musk was yet another never-Trumper until decided to purchase him. Hopefully Musk can do for Trump what he did to Twitter.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Question (+ Answer) For The Day.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Fascinating – Clueless Clod Edition

It Was Bound To Happen

October 7, 2024

A Fascist/Trump Party state senator, during a meet your candidate event had what was hopefully a minor stroke.

Before we get into this story, we want to share a brand-new word one of our interns found while we were tidying up the basement here at our non-existent, secret, undisclosed Paying Attention™ headquarters:

Frascist - A racist fascist. Sure, it might seem a bit redundant, but it’s good to spell things out for the ignorant, weak-minded cultists who lack all self-awareness and most general awareness . You know, morons/Trump voters. It is surely fitting that we came across this little tidbit just in time for this installment of Fascinating.

Idaho state senator, Dan Foreman, during a discussion of discrimination and legislation in Idaho, claimed that there was no discrimination in Idaho.

According to multiple sources, Democratic candidate for an Idaho House seat and Nez Perce tribe member Trish Carter-Goodheart pushed back on that idea when it was her turn to speak. Carter-Goodheart pointed to her own experience and the history of white supremacy groups in Northern Idaho. Foreman had a complete meltdown. He jumped out of his seat, interrupted Carter-Goodheart, and screamed at the Native American Democrat to – you can’t, and wouldn’t even if you could, make this stuff up folks:

go back where you came from.”

Additionally fascinating, the two pols are not even running against each other. Apparently, Foreman just felt strongly and stupidly enough to lash out at his fellow Idahoan. You go gurl.

A statement describing the incident released by Carter-Goodheart, closed with, “[J]ust because someone hasn’t personally experienced discrimination, doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Racism and discrimination are real issues here in Idaho, as anyone familiar with our state’s history knows. I highlighted our weak hate crime laws and mentioned the presence of the Aryan Nations in northern Idaho as undeniable evidence of this reality.”

Several of those present reported that Foreman stood up and angrily interjected, using an expletive to criticize what he cast as the liberal bent of the response, and after telling Carter-Goodheart to go back where she came from, took his balls and stormed out of the room.

While we cannot confirm whether or not Foreman is a fascist, it is clear that he is an ignorant racist schmuck who lacks basic understanding of history or humanity. Foreman denied the entire incident on his way to rehab. Just kidding about the rehab. He’ll probably just get reelected and continue to flaunt his flaming ignorance and frascist bullshit until his head explodes.


*What The Fascinating Fuck

Saturday, October 5, 2024

Historic Thought For The Day – Chopping Spree

If At First You Don’t Deceive, Lie, Lie Again

October 5, 2024

You are probably familiar with a man calling himself Donold Trump. He was arguably president of the United States a little while back. He wants to be president again in the worst way, which was the way he did it the first time. Though Trump was objectively one of, if not the, worst president of all time (George WTF Bush previously held that dishonor), he likes to tell his tiny-brained rally-goers that he was actually the best president since George Washington. Now, you’re probably saying to yourself, “No fucking way.” And well you should.

Even back when a larger fraction of Trump’s brain exhibited a modicum of function he was as delusional and/or stunningly dishonest as they came. Now that his brain has deteriorated faster and more completely than the Thwaites “Doomsday” Glacier – which is melting much faster than scientists previously thought, not unlike Trump’s brain – there is neither hint of reality nor coherent thought or speech.

Seeing as dementia-addled (with a side of syphilis) Don likes to compare himself with the Father of Our Country, we thought we’d throw the old dog a little bone and play along. 

If George Washington Was Donald Trump

Father, I cannot tell a lie. I did nothing wrong. Joey did it.


Father, I cannot tell the truth. I don’t see any cherry tree.

This has been a special Paying Attention™ Historic Thought For The Day.

Friday, October 4, 2024

Thought For The Day – Cowardly Lyin’

If He Only Had Uh Brain

October 4, 2024

Traitorous, disgraced ex-president and current 34-count-convicted-felon Benedict Donald is scared to death of debating Kamala Harris again. He has also chickened out of a previously agreed-upon interview on 60 Minutes. He is also deathly afraid of stairs, flies, fair elections, Jack Smith, reality and letting someone else keep score when he plays golf.

Oh yeah, he is also a lying sack of shit who wouldn’t recognize the truth if it voted him out of office in a landslide and everyone around him told him over and over that he lost. 

Cowardly Liar

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Picture Of The Day

Not A Thousand Words, But Worth It   

October 3, 2024

Found this on the internets. It appears to be a photo of Donold Trump impersonating Alec Baldwin impersonating Donold Trump .

Trump ordering a week’s worth of fast food for Monday’s lunch

 Baldwin’s Trump

This has been your Paying Attention™ Picture Of The Day.