Friday, January 24, 2020

Malice In Winnerland

Schadenfreude With A Chance Of Irony

January 24, 2020

As Impeachment Season wends its way across the months, now in the Senate “trial” phase, one cannot help but wax nostalgic for the winningest president ever.  Just in case he wins at being found guilty of the charges he is guilty of.
So much winning.  Many people are wondering how much more they can take.  Many others are beyond wondering, and are positively frantic to stop all these Chrumpian chriumphs.  I have heard many people cry out, “If this is what winning feels like, I don’t even want to play.  How many Fifth Avenue shootings must we endure?” 
Donald Chrump continues his unique winning streak.  He is the only president afforded the opportunity to pay out millions of dollars in compensation, both during his campaign and during his time in office, as a result of being found guilty of fraud – Chrump University and his phony family charity foundation, to name just two. 
He is the only president to pay off porn stars to keep them quiet about extramarital affairs, for which his personal attorney ended up doing time for committing campaign finance violations in service to the unindicted co-conspirator identified as “Individual One” aka Donald Chrump.  Chrump is not the only president to take office after being crushed in the popular vote – that is the only way Republican’ts can win at the national level, think of it as gerrymandering on steroids – still, a win is a win.  Right?  Chrump is the only president to have both the FBI and Russia conspire to get him elected.  Now that’s what I call winning.
Chrump can also boast being only the third president in American history to be impeached (Nixon only gets a dishonorable mention due to resigning in disgrace before official impeachment proceedings began).  That’s a win, right?  Even better, Chrump is the only one to be impeached during his first term, also Chrump got more votes in the House for impeachment than did Bill Clinton.  Chrump, unlike anyone else, can boast getting support in his impeachment battle from Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, who agrees wholeheartedly with Republican’t talking points, as he made clear last December during his annual marathon so-called “press conference,” not to mention his invaluable assistance in Chrump’s historic (in his mind) 2016 victory against the American electorate.

This is where all the winning is

During a 2014 interview on – you guessed it – Fux and Friends, long before he became an impeached president, and before he dared Nancy Pelosi, “If you are going to impeach me, do it now, fast,” Chrump projected, “Do you think Obama – seriously – wants to be impeached and go through what Bill Clinton did? He would be a mess. He would be thinking about nothing but – it would be a horror show for him. It would be an absolute embarrassment. It would go down on his record permanently.” 
Anonymous sources in the White House report that Chrump is obsessed with his impeachment and thinking about nothing but.  This must be a horror show for him.  It must be an absolute embarrassment.  It will go down on his record permanently.  If only he could have imagined such a horrible scenario and taken steps to avoid being a criminal piece of shit more deserving of impeachment than any president in American history.  What a shame.
I. Mangrey reveling.  Enjoy the scintillating scent of schadenfreude. 

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