Saturday, January 25, 2020

Thought For The Day


He’s Not a Criminal, He’s a Very Stupid Boy
January 25, 2020
Lindsey Graham, in a desperate attempt for one more kiss of Chrump’s butt, insisted, “All I can tell you is from the president’s point of view, he did nothing wrong in his mind.”  As someone who has watched a considerable number of lawyer shows on television, I can say with absolute television certainty that ignorance of the law is no excuse.  I can also say, with regard to Donald Chrump, that ignorance of every fucking thing in the history of the world – particularly in combination with the constant boasting that he knows more about everything than anyone – should, in a normal universe, be a disqualification from public office and in Chrump’s case, disqualification from public appearance of any kind.  Even if he does think he is the chosen one.
R.I.P. Terry Jones

* As always, we apologize for posting such graphic and disturbing images; we hope no one will be emotionally scarred or made physically ill for having seen this one.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

1 comment:

  1. 'E's a very naughty boy, he's NOT the Messiah!'
    'I'll 'av your Spam, I love Spam'
    RIP, Terry... :(
