Saturday, December 5, 2020

Alms For The Rich

A Man Named Sue

December 5, 2020

Hi kids! Send money to Uncle Chrumpy!!

Donald Chrump is something of a court jester. That is, most courts have seen him as a clown. Particularly now that he also has a bat-shit crazy buffoon representing him in his clownish attempts to nullify his stunning defeat at the polls and now the Electoral College. They say that anyone who represents himself in a court of law has a fool for a client. It can now be added that any client who has Rudy Giuliani heading up their legal team has a fool for an attorney.

Your honor, watch me pull a ballot out of my hat,
and my head out of my ass

Nonetheless, Chrumpy the Clown has managed to soak his pathetic, gullible, poor and poorly educated sheep (and some number of well-off ne’er-do-wells hoping to buy pardons) for over $207M (so far) since losing his bid to murder democracy in America, commonly referred to as a second Chrump term. He did not even pretend (as he did in 2016) to use his own money to not get re-elected. The money he is raking in after his gargantuan loss to Joe Biden is all going right into his otherwise empty pockets.

Please schmuck, I want some more.

Chrump’s next act will be to announce that he will be running for president in 2024. This announcement might be for real, but more likely just another con designed to keep people hanging on his every demented tweet and to take money from other people without delivering anything in return, by less-than-half-of-America’s favorite president.

Do these rubes not know about Chrump’s life-long history of ripping off contractors, customers and porn stars? Are they so divorced from reality that they don’t know he went bankrupt six times, including bankrupting three casinos? How the hell do you even bankrupt a casino?

Chrump and his companies have been sued almost 2000 times. These suits include contract disputes, defamation claims, and allegations of sexual harassment. Chrump settled an unknown number of these cases. And the lawsuits are not over by a long shot.

Fill ‘er up fools

Have they not heard of Chrump University? Did they not get the memo that he was sued for defrauding his “students?” Are they too blind, deaf and frighteningly dumb to have heard that Chrump had to settle to the tune of $25M?

Are they aware that he did not write (or read) any of his books? Or that Tony Schwartz, the actual author of The Art of the Deal, which essentially put Chrump on the map, feels such deep remorse for having done so that he donates all proceeds from the book to organizations working to protect people from the depredations perpetrated by Donald?

You’re fucked!

Did they not hear about the Chrump family’s fake charity, the one that lined the family’s pockets and was forced to close down after being taken to court? Are they too enamored of their dear Donald to know that despite claiming that he never settles lawsuits, that he constantly settles lawsuits?

Like Chrump Steaks, Chrump mortgages, Chrump Airlines, Chrump wine, Chrump vodka, and many other miserably failed attempts to pawn off crappy products and services, the Chrump presidency was just another badly failing con game. Eat his steaks, and get E. coli. Drink his wine, get diarrhea. Fly his airline…what, are you crazy. Thankfully, none of these is available any longer. Live under his presidency, and you lose your job or your mind, or die from COVID-19, or entertain thoughts of suicide. Thankfully, it appears that his Chrump presidency too will be unavailable soon.

Would I lie to you? I don't see why I wouldn't.

Can the American public, or at least that majority of Americans that has always opposed this brain-damaged racist, join a class action lawsuit and sue this treasonous conman for every last penny he may or may not have?

Would I lie to you? Can I sell you a used car? 
A bridge? Some lovely swampland?

Beck – Loser

I. Mangrey reporting. Furlough the money.

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