Monday, March 22, 2021

Thought For The Day

Two Thoughts For The Price Of None

March 22, 2021

Minority Leader/Hater Mitch Fucking McConnell took to the Senate floor in response to threats from Democrats to tweak or trash the filibuster. The Senate rule known as the filibuster was instituted by mistake in the early 1800s thanks to Aaron Burr, and has been frequently used to obstruct progress on civil rights and voting rights for African Americans. In response to the Democratic threat to make the Senate an actual democracy where 50 out of 100 votes wins the argument, McConnell issued a threat of his own: “Nobody serving in this chamber can even begin, can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched earth Senate would look like.”

Is he fucking kidding? Nobody living in this country even has to try, even has to try to imagine what a completely scorched-earth Senate looks like. We all witnessed first-hand exactly what it looks like for the past 12 years while Fucking McConnell ran roughshod over this country – stealing two Supreme Court seats, stopping Barack Obama from filling more than 100 federal court vacancies, in what some scholars have described as a “blockade,” and generally obstructing everything that Democrats tried to achieve during Obama’s presidency. Because he could.

Fucking McConnell spent Turmp’s single term filling the courts with young, stunningly unqualified (a number received the lowest rating from the American Bar Association, who recommended against them serving Big Macs and fries, let alone on the federal bench), nearly 90 percent white, nearly 80 percent male, and about two-thirds white men, inept ideologues who are poised to poison the judicial branch for decades with their white/male privileged ignorance.

I suppose Mitch could do worse if Democrats dared cross him, but maybe he will drop dead before he gets the chance. Not wishing this of course, just acknowledging the prospect.

This miserable excuse for a fuming pile of shit McConnell made clear that if Dems piss him off by using actual democracy, and if he were to regain his grossly undeserved power as “majority” leader (Across the country, Democratic candidates routinely garner more total votes than Ratpublicans, but thanks to gerrymandering end up with fewer seats.) he and his Ratpublican rabble “would move swiftly to defund sanctuary cities and Planned Parenthood, add new protections for the right to life of the unborn, work on concealed carry laws, and a new era of domestic energy production.” A disgusting, power-mad sociopath, but at least he is consistent.

Non-Sequitur Ahead

Basketball player Meyers Leonard recently poked the public eye by using an anti-Semitic slur. He claimed he did not know the word was considered hate speech, wanting us to believe he is not only dumb, but blind and deaf. Leonard was suspended by his Miami team and fined by the league for his philological infraction. He was subsequently traded from Miami to the team in Oklahoma, presumably because anti-Semitism is more acceptable in Oklahoma than it is in Miami.

Update/full disclosure: apparently Leonard will not play for Oklahoma and is just being used as trade fodder. We’ll see where he ends up. We wish him continued tsuris.


This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for the day?

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