Tuesday, January 4, 2022


Some Things Never Change

January 4, 2022

It was clearly not the holiday season everyone was hoping for to close out 2020, Part II, aka 2021. Thanks to the continuing threat of COVID-20: The Omicron Variation, The Fear, rather than The Force was strong in many of us. The masks, the boosters, the boneheads.

Nonetheless, it was a holiday season; less work, more partying, albeit mostly with cohabitating loved ones, and we got to move on, at least calendar-wise to a fresh set of pages full of days that have the potential to be less horrific than the ones we just tossed into the recycling bin.

With all the merriment, such as it was, you may have forgotten one critical element, one that appears impossible to ignore despite our desire to move on, nurture hope, and fight for the best in human nature to prevail. And I know that I sound like a broken record (is that even a phrase anymore?), and I know that I feel like a broken wreck, and though I was hoping to chill out a little bit longer to see how the new year took its first steps into the future, I simply cannot rest on this bed of nails, and must say one thing. That one thing: Joe Mansion is a huge, lying, greedy, hateful, fucking, coal-based life form.

He acts like he cares. He acts like he is oh-so-thoughtful. He acts like he is simply fighting for bipartisanship. He acts like he forgot that Ratpublicans spit on his super-bipartisan “voting rights” plan. He insists that he will not do anything without Ratpublican unicorns…I mean, support. And he acts like he really believes that the full-o-shit filibuster is etched in stone, immutable, and protective of democracy. Before this year even gets off the ground, Mansion responded to Chuck Schumer’s insistence that the filibuster must either disappear or be modified for the sake of voting rights and democracy, mustering his best Susan-Collins-esque concern face, saying any change in the racist filibuster would be a “heavy lift”, adding, “The reason I say it's a heavy lift is once you change a rule or you have a carve out, I've always said this -- Anytime there's a carve out, you eat the whole turkey. There's nothing left because it comes back and forth.” Wow, that is some serious, authentic frontier gibberish.

Mansion also told reporters, “I'm talking. I'm not agreeing to any of this to the extent, I want to talk and see all the options we have open. That's what we're looking at.” And that my friends, is some serious, authentic frontier bullshit. I’m currently taking large bets on whether Manchin will ultimately join with the rest of his party (with the likely exception of phony/phuckwit Kyrsten Sinema) and do the right thing.

Dear Sen. Mansion:

Hey asshole, you know what is protective of democracy? Voting. One person, one vote. Including persons of color. Sure, there are almost an equal number of wooly mammoths and people of color in your home state. Sure, you are much more beholden to those who bought you and your election victories that you are to those who actually voted for you.

In Closing…

So, as much as I hate to rain on this new year, and as much as I hate to reach back into the old-trope bag, this mantra remains as unfortunately pertinent as ever:


“I am a fucking asshole, and don’t you forget it!”

Mansion will not compromise his principles. He will continue to do the will of the well-to-do. He will not work in good faith with members of his party who will not give in any further to woo him away from appointed rounds. Progressives, who got Joe Biden elected, got him to understand the moment in history, and attempted to implement the agenda that Biden ran on and got elected to enact by the largest number of voters in the history of voting, offered compromise upon compromise in order to get the job done. Joe Mansion whined and lied and strung everyone along, finally going on Fux News to announce that he was a flaming douchebag who would, as a surprise to no one, scuttle America. He refused to turn his back on his plan to fuck the poor, fuck the black folks, fuck the liberals and progressives, fuck the other conservative Dems who were willing to compromise in a time of national and global health, economic and environmental catastrophe.

I rest my case.

I. Mangrey reminding. Don’t take any guff from that swine.

*Fuck Joe Manchin

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