Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Second Amendment Follies

The Second Amendment Strikes Again

May 9, 2023

We're all familiar with the expression “Shoot first, ask questions later.” The new motto for America is: Shoot first, shoot later.

Another day, another dozen or so mass shootings here in the land of the gun, the home of the cowardly Congress. Some asshole…I’m sorry, I meant patriot, opened fire with a military-style assault weapon in an Allen, Texas outlet mall the other day. The other senseless murder that day, in Florida, fortunately only killed one little boy. Whew, that was lucky.

A good guy with a gun.
Does this make you feel safe?
Well does it, punk?

Second Amendment sickos tossed out some more of their usual useless thoughts and prayers at the families of another bunch of needlessly murdered American civilians. A reporter told Texas State Rep. Keith Self (R-Allen) that many people don’t think prayers are doing the trick in stopping mass shootings, to which Self responded, "Well, those are people that don't believe in an almighty God who, who has, who is absolutely in control of our lives.” So, guns aren’t the problem, it’s God who pulls the trigger.

It's A Shootiful Day In The Neighborhood

Though the NRA owns most of the Fascist (nee Ratpublican) Party, and consistently lobbies against common sense gun laws that a huge majority of Americans favor, the heavily armed minority of gun-death addicts think a gun lobby is the place where you hang out to ambush innocent men, women and children in schools, churches, nightclubs, libraries, convenience stores, malls, concerts, cheese shops, etc. Anywhere Americans go in the hopes of being gunned down by some Second Amendment fetishist.

When they are not disingenuously babbling about thoughts and prayers, members of the pro-murder Fascist Party try to blame everything under the Sun – with the exception of guns, of course – for the unending mass shootings. Their favorite scapegoat is mental illness. I admit, I am beginning to agree that mental illness might be a big player in all the gun massacres. However, it is not the mental illness of the shooters, it is the mental illness of the GOP – Gun Obsessed Perverts – who refuse to acknowledge reality – that it is impossible to shoot up a classroom, or a church, or a movie theater full of innocent people without a gun. It has been said that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. The definition of aiding and abetting in the commission of a crime is helping to provide the conditions for that crime to be committed. The Fascist Party has made a career of aiding and abetting mass murder, day after day, year after year, dead body after dead body. If that is not criminal insanity, I don’t know what is.

Speaking of aiding and abetting and mental illness, let us not forget that the very first thing the Fascist Party did with majorities in the House and Senate and their Orange Pimpsicle in the White House in 2017, was pass a law making it easier for mentally ill people to purchase firearms and murder people. The very first thing. I guess they showed us who's boss.

Apparently, Guns Do Kill People

Everything is bigly dumber in Texas. A San Antonio toddler died after he was shot in the head by a gun that fell off a shelf. The irresponsible father told authorities that his son was reaching for something on the shelf and accidentally pulled down a gun. The gun hit the ground. Presumably, God pulled the trigger, and with god-like accuracy shot the child in the head one time. What would the proverbial good-guy-with-a-gun have done to save this day? Would he have attempted to shoot God?

More Fun With Guns

The Texas man who shot up his neighbors, killing several – including an 8-year-old – after they asked him to stop firing his assault rifle in his front yard because their baby was trying to sleep, was finally caught after evading capture for several days. He was apprehended and taken into custody in the Texas town of Cut and Shoot.

Stupid/Fun Fact

There is a Texas town called Cut and Shoot

One More Thing

In case you're brave/foolish enough to ever leave your house...

2020 FBI Active Shooter Video

I. Mangrey

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