Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Environmental Prevention Agency Strikes Again

Fuck You and The Planet You Rode in On

October 9, 2018
The agency formerly known as the Environmental Protection Agency is shuttering the Office of Science Advisor, which is charged with considering factors other than short term political gain, profit and greed when analyzing the need for environmental regulations, factors like science and evidence.  Again, it is not difficult to imagine why this Office is dangerous to the Republican’t way of “life”.  You can kiss it good-bye.  You might want to start making a ‘Bon Voyage’ banner for your ass as well.
Given the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud threatening to suffocate us all,
maybe the EPA is unnecessary at this point
Suffer the Little Children
EPA’s Office Of Children’s Health Protection is tasked with keeping kids safe from harmful toxins. Naturally, since this Office is draining literally thousands of dollars that could otherwise be used to give more tax cuts to millionaires, its head, Dr. Ruth Etzel was recently put on leave.  No official reason has been given.  Etzel is extremely knowledgeable and brought an incredibly deep skill set to this position. It is no stretch to assume that this is the reason she was given the heave ho.  The Chrump administration has no taste for competence, let alone expertise. 
Dr. Ruth Etzel is highly competent and looks too much
like Christine Blasey Ford.  So, clearly she had to go.
One particular dagger into the heart of our children, and those yet to be born, is the lifting of restrictions on mercury emissions from coal burning power plants.  First of all, coal burning power plants?  Really?  In 2018?  Really?  Airborne mercury ends up in waterways and brains and pregnant mothers.  Mercury goes right through into the baby and has been well documented to cause brain damage.  It reduces the child's IQ.  It can disrupt the child's behavior.  This can plague a child for years and decades at least.  
Republican’ts are not fooling anyone here.  They are scared to death that they cannot get any votes from anyone other than those the Founding Fathers determined should be allowed to vote – old, rich, white men.  Republican’ts are up to their eyeballs in fear and loathing that somehow these original rules have gone the way of the dinosaurs (which they do not believe actually existed), and that others are permitted to vote.  They need a way to compete in America’s changing demographic, and eliminating these regulations is clearly a plot to expand their voter base.  How else can the party of brain damage, low IQ, racism, misogyny and violence survive in this world?
Oh, and the Chrump administration is trying to convince us that “a little radiation” is good for us.  Maybe we can find a way to let them have all the radiation, mercury and methane they insist needs to be reinserted back into our environment.

Sing along without Mitch
Native Americans believed people should consider how their actions effect the world for seven generations after them.  Republican’ts cannot even think seven seconds ahead.  
I. Mangrey, Earthling.                                                                                      

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