Thursday, October 25, 2018

Voting (is NOT) For Dummies

(Stop) Voting For Dummies

October 25, 2018
I don’t know if anyone knows this, but the Midterm elections are only one week away.  Voting day for Democrats is November 6th, for Republican’ts it is November 7th or maybe the 8th – no one knows for sure. 
Many people do not know this, but due to new, very secret laws, many white people in Republican’t districts in Georgia, North Dakota, North Carolina, Texas and several other states are no longer permitted to vote.  No reason was given and if you happen to be on this Do-Not-Vote List and attempt to vote, you can be arrested immediately.  You will also have your white hoods, Nazi paraphernalia and torches revoked for an as-of-yet-to-be-determined period of time.  It is highly recommended that anyone worried about fitting this description stay as far away from polling places as possible for the foreseeable future.  The authorities and/or fake news will let you know when it is safe to vote again.  The administration regrets any inconvenience this may cause.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog already in progress
was unimaginably painful as we have come to expect from the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud.
Don’t forget, the moron who said some of the Nazis and racists who marched in Charlottesville, and eventually murdered an innocent woman, were “very fine people”, the same lunatic who threatened and incited violence saying, “knock the crap out of them … I promise you, I will pay for the legal fees,” at his rallies full of deplorables, is now calling Democrats and Liberals an “angry mob”.  Full disclosure: some of his adoring deplorables did knock the crap out of some protesters, but Chrump did not in fact pay their legal fees.  Maybe something to do with aiding and abetting, or maybe just the usual pathological lying from El Chrumpo.
Chrump Prezidency Bombs Again
This week we learned that Chrump’s supporters are apparently displeased with Dear Leader’s inability and/or unwillingness to shoot someone on Fifth Avenue.  He has been very busy with all the golfing and violence-inciting rallies while he campaigns for many Republican’t candidates himself.  His adoring deplorables are taking matters into their own paws and delivering pipe bombs to many of those who have been previously targeted by Der Furor’s terrible tweets and twisted tongue.
Suddenly, the geyser of violent rhetoric wants everyone to calm down and stop all the nastiness.  In the same putrid breath he blames the media, “The media also has a responsibility to set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and oftentimes false attacks and stories.  Have to do it.”
That was yesterday.  Today he got serious and toned down the stupid and blaming.  Just kidding.

Chrump still has over 90 percent support among Russians.  Many experts are saying that there will be much bigger Russian turnout during these Midterms than any other election in American history, possibly even larger than 2016.
Voting is a right, but that does not necessarily make it right.  When you vote for con artists, crooks and colluders, you hurt all of us.  If you are voting for people who want to stop people from voting, maybe you should stop yourself from voting.

Sign on a Texas lawn, later removed due to
complaints from people who can’t handle truth
I. Mangrey and T. Doff reporting.

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