Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chrumpococcus: The Real Pandemic

Chrump Tries To Blighten The Mood

March 25, 2020
We are amazed but not amused with all the talk about Chrump finally shifting his tone on the coronavirus pandemic.  I hope the media and the non-Chrumpified American people realize that this is nothing more than an act.  Circumstances and other forces have combined to force Chrump to pretend he has turned away from his incessant, demented conspiracy-theory-bullshit and display a façade of long-overdue-sensibility. 
There was no admission of being fatally mistaken (reports indicate that Chrump relied on another dangerously ignorant gadfly – Jared Kushner – to guide his path on the coronavirus crisis), but an absolute denial taking any responsibility for royally screwing up, but plenty of patting himself on the back for the great job he is doing. 

Make no mistake, this so-called shift in tone by Mr. “I-don’t-take-responsibility-at-all,” will have zero effect on the essence of the sociopathic, narcissistic conman that shameless Republican’t enablers, no small number of racists and purposefully-ignorant voters, and the obsolete Electoral College saw fit to install as president.  The man many people are now calling “President Death.”
Anything good that happens is because of me;
anything bad that happens is someone else’s fault.
One reason Chrump is now President Death is thanks to his mindless happy talk about his very-stable-genius-hunch that Chloroquine – a malaria drug with known dangerous, potentially fatal, side effects – would be a miracle cure for COVID-19.  Despite real-time fact checking of Chrump’s latest delusional advice by the nation’s long-time expert epidemiologist Anthony Fauci, one Chrump true-believer took President Death’s ill-advised advice and ended up dead.  Side note: Chrump is also responsible for an unknown number already dead and not-yet-dead Americans as a result of his vicious, unending assault on all environmental regulations.
A Deadly Mandemic
After jeopardizing public health, national security and the economic well-being of America, the deadliest infectious agent threatening global stability had the psychotic nerve to tell reporters, “I’ve always known this is a real – this is a pandemic.  I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.”  Verifiably complete and utter bullshit.  In reality, Chrump still does not understand what we are dealing with, and he damn sure does not think it is a serious problem.  The only reason Chrump is holding daily publicity events is to keep his orange-Crayola face in front of a camera since he cannot gather his mental-defectives together, and because first Pence and then New York Governor Cuomo were seen as more presidential, believable and more informative (not to mention less dishonest and less bat-shit-crazy) than Chrump.
Coronavirus got nothing on Chrumpococcus
This miserable, mush-for-brains moron not only dismantled our pandemic readiness infrastructure because it was created by the Obama administration, he then went on to ridicule the nascent virus pandemic for weeks, rather than listen to experts and take immediate action.  Donald Chrump has blood on his little hands; his inaction and his purposeful misinformation have already caused some number of deaths.  Perhaps someone will develop an algorithm to determine exactly how many deaths are directly attributable to the actions of President Death.  Either way, Chrump kills.  The fact that he very likely believes that he was ahead of the curve, that his heroic actions are saving the day and that he rates his response “a ten” only makes things worse.
It is long past time for everyone to stop humoring this malevolent mutant and call him out at every turn.
Stevie Wonder – You Haven’t Done Nothin’
I. Mangrey restraining.  Barely.           


  1. He is President Death. That is all.

  2. "I'd say you're a bad reporter."
    Larry Bowa would've hit that softball into the Delaware River.

    1. Larry Flynt would've hit that softball into the Delaware.
