Saturday, March 14, 2020

Who's In Charge Here?

Buck Fucker

March 14, 2020 
Wow, imagine how easy it would be to find the money to take care of everyone losing income and/or unable to afford health care over the COVID-19 virus if “we” had not given trillions of dollars in tax cuts to the top one percent.  Not that Republican’ts would willingly part with a single penny for average Americans for any reason.   

Republican’ts much prefer selling massive tax cuts by saying that they will be great for middle-class and poorer people, when in reality the cuts do nothing of the sort, at least nothing truly meaningful.  But their constant massive tax cuts can always be counted on to put millions back in the pockets of those who already have millions and billions.  So now, as always, there is nothing for a rainy day or a pandemic.

For his part, during a press tantrum in the Rose Garden Chrump was asked if he took any responsibility for the delay in rolling out anything resembling a response.  He responded, “Yeah, no, I don't take responsibility at all…”  Surely words for everyone to live by, especially an acting-president.  Chrump then proceeded to blame Barack Obama.

“I don't take responsibility at all…” 
After Chrump’s super genius statement, NPR’s Yamiche Alcindor asked the petulant pervert, “You said you don’t take responsibility but you did disband the White House pandemic office and the officials working in that office left this administration abruptly. So what responsibility do you take for that?”  The pathetic IMPEACHED-president responded, “Well, I just think it’s a nasty question...When you say me, I didn't do it…”  The buck always stops somewhere else with this guy.  His White House was absolutely responsible for disbanding the pandemic office.  Chrump probably forgot about it because to him all this governing nonsense is nothing more than a distraction from watching Fux News, rage tweeting and of course, golfing.

IMPEACHED-president Donald Chrump, hard(ly) at work
The buck is the only thing Chrump treats like it has Coronavirus – he stays as far away from it as possible and he always washes his hands of it.

I. Mangrey recoiling.  Don’t blame me, I’m not responsible for what I do.

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