Saturday, July 4, 2020

Some Safe Fireworks For The Fourth of COVID July

Independence Day (For White People)

America in Crisis
July 4, 2020
If we did not know before, we hopefully know now that this nation’s descendants of slaves do not generally have the same sense of July 4, 1776 being Independence Day. The day the British colonies of North America (the land the murderous Italian moron Columbus, his successors and various other white folks stole from the original inhabitants without so much as a mother-may-I) became the United States of America.
For those whose ancestors were dragged from their homes half way around the world in order to be treated like property, animals and construction equipment (or as Ben Carson called them, “immigrants”), nothing changed for them on that July day. It would take another 88 years and 50 weeks before they would technically gain some semblance of independence from their oppressors – at least on paper.

“There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom
of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less.”
Carson quote (he is the less orange sleeping idiot on the left.)
Nonetheless, America, in a relentless effort to pretend the parts of our past we should be deathly ashamed of, that many among us would like to never have to think about or own up to in any way, likes to celebrate July 4th with all manner of hoopla. For reasons that have nothing to do with rethinking the meaning of it all in these times of historic racial/civil unrest, July 4, 2020 will not have the usual degree of gathering and merriment.
America is currently under two ominous clouds – the deadly coronavirus pandemic with its devastating job loss and general economic collapse, and the ever-festering madness of King-in-his-own-mind Donald. And the long overdue Black Lives Matter protests to stop police wantonly killing black folks and finally allow black people a taste of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. And the ongoing climate crisis that has become all but invisible as a result of the devastating virus pandemic, though considerably more threatening, damaging and ultimately fatal.
It is nice to see that the last state in the union to have Confederate imagery on their state flag finally remove the stars and bars. Mississippi has finally decided to stop rubbing the failed war to protect slavery in everyone’s face. Choose your celebratory phrase: Better late than never. Or my preference, it’s about fucking time. For an excellent take on monuments to hate, murder and rape that are all over this country, read this powerful piece by Caroline Randall Williams. 
Naturally, our Racist-in-chief, who recently called the phrase BLACK LIVES MATTER a “symbol of hate,” is pretending he has the slightest interest in any of this (other than his deep-seated racism) as he panders to his race…I mean base, feigning umbrage that such important imagery of our hateful, disgraceful past is being improperly disrespected.
Speaking of symbols of hate, check out Chrump 2020’s new campaign t-shirt:
Remind you of anything?
What a coincidence. Or something.
Chrump has no knowledge of American history, no interest in anyone’s opinions, only what causes people to cheer his ravings. In one of the great toddler-temper-tantrum events of all time, Der Furor is prepared to veto the military budget (though his pathetic little veto will almost certainly be overridden) in order to protect the good names of Confederate traitors despite the fact that the vast majority of Americans are more than ready to be done with our nation’s biggest losers of all time Chrump is more “concerned” with the rights of long-dead traitorous Confederate generals than he is about the rights of living, or more recently dead people of color.

You can’t make this shit up folks, and neither can I.
It has been said that war is the health of the state. Chrump is surely trying to bring back the Civil one. Peace and tranquility, like democracy, unity and America all are anathema to the malignant narcissism and toxic sociopathy that is Donald Chrump. He’s a grand old hag, he’s scum-sucking drag and forever in disgrace may he leave. He’s no emblem of the land we love, we’re not free, he’s not brave.  With any luck November 2, 2020 will see Republican’ts riding through the streets crying, “The voters are coming, the voters are coming.” And November 3, 2020 will become known as Independence From Donald Chrump Day. Either that or America is over. Literally.
Since it is likely, at least if you are smarter than the average Chrump supporter, you will not be gathering in large groups, huddling in masses, yearning to breathe free (from Chrump and his racist minions), we here at Paying Attention offer a glimpse of a few Independence Days past. If you’re bored and can’t think of anything better to do with your Fourth of July, here are some links to ghosts of Independence Days past. Just click on the date for some painful memories and hopefully some laughs.
Ed Venture
Managing Editor, Paying Attention

“There is nothing more frightening than ignorance in action.” – Goethe

“There is nothing more frightening than ignorance in power.” – Ed Venture 

Il Douche continues his abominable pseudo-presidency – smooching with Putin, cuddling with Kim, and practically blowing bin Salman.  Chrump is clearly more comfortable with America’s adversaries than with our friends, and more competent with stagecraft than statecraft.
On this 242nd anniversary of the great experiment in democracy that is the United States, I am reminded of a day back in 1976, during our nation’s Bicentennial Brouhaha, when the man who pardoned the criminal Richard Nixon – unelected president Gerald R. Ford – dared to show his face in Philadelphia – the birthplace of American democracy (Anyone remember that?), and right outside Independence Hall of all places. 

First he went after the Mexicans and many spoke out even though they were not Mexican. Then he went after women and many spoke out even though they were not women. Then he went after the handicapped and many spoke out even though they were not handicapped. Then he went after the Muslims and many spoke out even though they were not Muslim. Now he’s going after the Jews…what the hell took him so long?
July 4th, 2014

As we prepare to celebrate our nation’s 238th birthday a relatively small, armed and dangerous segment of America is wallowing in a grotesque and misguided obsession with the Second Amendment to the Constitution. It’s obvious that these pseudo-patriots have spent little if any time actually reading the Constitution, even the ones who can read. This is obvious because they clearly haven’t even read their beloved Second Amendment. It says, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” Even the casual reader will notice that the opening phrase refers to the necessity of a well regulated militia.

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