Monday, January 25, 2021

His Filth Goes Marching On

Gory, Gory, Hallelujah

January 25, 2021

Cleanup In Aisle 1600 !

I’ve been wondering what I’ll do once we don’t have feces-flinging-fool Donald Turmp to kick around anymore, or at least to be forced to pay attention to every damn day. Turns out there is plenty of stupid to pique my interest. The 147 Ratpublican representatives who voted against their Constitutional oaths, by refusing to certify the completely legitimate election of Joe Biden jump immediately to mind. Disgraced IMPEACHED IMPEACHED X-Fake president Donald Turmp – the only president with more IMPEACHMENT than terms in office, and more days spent golfing than working – leaves behind the American Carnage he imagined and then created. America remains mired in more of a freshly visited litter box than a sand trap. Of course Turmp had a lot of help, and much of that help remains right where it was, and will continue to fester.

Part of me had hoped that once America had drunk enough disinfectant to cleanse the covfefe from our system, that the long-overdue excision of a brain-dead, hot air buffoon from the Executive Branch would provide me with a long-sought pause in the disaster, that one day, like a miracle, it would disappear, that I could rest my weary fingers, let my injured mind wander aimlessly for a while, allow my soul to find some solace.

So Much Stupid, So Much Time

So it looks like my level of paying attention will have to remain on Orange Alert, at least for a little while, until they can round up all the seditious dipshits and lock them away…okay, so maybe not such a little while. Let me assault you with a few excremental examples before I force myself to attempt to take a break. I promised myself I would try to think happier thoughts, at least until the White House has been sufficiently cleansed – literally – to the point that the Bidens and those in the Biden administration can safely roam the White House without fear of contacting COVID-19 and who knows what other disease vectors left swirling around what has been an unprotected, unsafe petri-dish since at least last January.

Boebert & Palin: Separated at birth, and from brains

New brand-new member of Congress’ QAnon wing of the Republican’t Party Lauren Boebert (R-Crazytown) who apparently was elected to represent Psycho City in Colorado, recently posted a two-plus-minute-long video about how she carries her dildo/Glock everywhere she goes, and dammit, she is gunna bring her bestie into the Capitol ostensibly to protect America from people like her? This was before she led a misguided tour for her sad-sack, shithead seditionist buddies. This little recon mission took place exactly one day before her QAnut co-conspirators invaded the Capitol, armed with weapons, handcuffs and maps of the Capitol Building. Almost everything malignant militia would need to take control of the seat of government, possibly kidnap and/or assassinate government leaders with whom they disagreed, with the possible exception of brains. Like Palin before her Boebert has no concept of the Constitution, an unhealthy, unholy obsession with a Second Amendment she does not really understand. And what a surprise, neither of these goonish girls has a handle on the First Amendment. Boebert is facing a lawsuit for allegedly violating the First Amendment rights of those of her constituents who dare to disagree with her.

Boebert continued her sedition (not to mention, stunning stupidity) into the following day, once her cohorts had breached and begun defiling her new workplace:

But wait, there’s more…

Just as Donald Trump made many people feel much less animosity toward super-idiot, war criminal and who-many-thought-was-the-worst-president George W. Bush, the new, unimproved GQP (Grand QAnon Party) makes people nostalgic for the days of the brain-dead, Constitution-illiterate Tea Party.

There is no need to discuss the air-headed oxygen thief that is Boebert’s dumbleganger Sarah Palin, since her exploits are unfortunately all-too-well-known at this point. Maybe someone will sew them back together at the lips so we can stop having to hear them make noise.

Speaking of stupid, it looks like the My Pillow crackhead got his ass and pillow show dropped from several major chains after showing up at the White House during the last throes of Turmp the Terrible to tell Turmp to consider imposing martial law, and recommending other dumbass fascist ideas to Dumb Leader. Dumb fuck, dumb pillow. 

But Wait, There’s Moron…

Radical religious fundamentalist/hypocrite Mike Pompeo could not resist one more of his patented remove-shoe-(optional)-insert-foot-in-mouth-(apparently unavoidable), blather, wince, repeat ad nauseum maneuvers before being removed from the horrible job he’s been doing as whatever-the-hell-he-was-supposed-to-be. Out of sight (or in plain sight), out of (his) fucking mind.

Then of course, there’s newly-minted-moron Josh Hawley, good old, reliably-rotten Ted Cruz, crazy cracker Lindsey Graham and countless other vacuous vipers (like most of the Republican’t members of Congress) struggling for air time and hopefully actual air in the months and years to come.

Brief aside: Hawley is yet another radical Christian who believes in the singularity of Church and State and has little time for those who do not share his flavor of religion. He spoke up for the rights of militia members after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and defended racist L.A. police detective Mark Fuhrman’s use of racial slurs during the O.J. Simpson trial. So, there’s that.

Proposed billboard from MeidasTouch (maybe show them some love)

At least there will be no more perfidious press secretaries, no more psychotic Stephen Miller, just 70-plus million racist and racist-adjacent Turmp lovers looking for another slavior to help make America white again.

At least those of us comprising the sentient part of America can begin to seek help for our PTSD – Post Turmp Stress Disorder. Hopefully, Turmp’s American Carnage stops right here, and stops right now.

I. Mangrey for a little while longer. Keep your seats in the upright position and seatbelts fastened tightly.

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