Thursday, January 7, 2021

January 6, 2021: America Soils Herself

The Whole World's Watching

January 7, 2021

We are now officially a shithole country thanks to Shit-in-chief Donald Trump. Move over Jefferson Davis, move over Osama bin Laden, your hatred of democracy, your attempts to ruin America have been Trumped. The biggest security threat ever. Al Queda? Hah! ISIS? Don’t make me laugh. The 45th president of the United States has shown himself to be the greatest threat to national security and democracy in more than 150 years.

Trump’s terrorist presidency – and make no mistake, it was always such has finally reached its peak. Once Trump finally, however involuntarily, bumped up against reality, this was the most likely scenario. Donald Trump personally and repeatedly incited this Profa insurrection. Not just a riot, but an insurrection aimed directly at affecting a coup d’état. Thanks to Trump and his thugs blood was spilled, a woman killed in the Capitol building and several others dead at the scene.

Trump’s Red Hats (think Brown Shirts) despise democracy almost as much as they despise black people. Trump finally got the giant crowd he craved. Much bigger than his American Carnage inauguration four years ago.

The National Guard shot four peaceful student protesters to death at Kent State on May 4, 1970. On January 6, 2021 thousands of treasonous, neo-Nazi, Confederate-flag-waving, racist, fascist, armed maniacs took over the U.S. Capitol and only a few dozen arrests resulted. Some capitol police practically ushered the traitors into the Capitol Building; others posed for selfies with the insurgents. It’s great to be white in America. You can’t beat it. With a stick. Especially when you don’t even try. And their beloved leader gave them cover, and lauded them for their sedition. Give me a fucking break. In another of his typical mixed messages, Trump was ultimately forced to pretend he wanted the angry mob he birthed and nurtured for five years to disperse, “Go home. We love you. You’re special.”

IMPEACHED Fake president Donald Trump should be removed under the Second Amendment…I mean the Twenty-fifth Amendment. Immediately. And then tried for sedition and inciting insurrection. Period. Moving forward without cleaning up the past, while a cornerstone of American history, only leads to worse behavior.

Not cleaning up the shame (to put it mildly) of slavery ultimately brought the Civil War. The pardoning of Richard Nixon brought us further erosion of our democracy. Ignoring the war crimes of Bush/Cheney brought us Donald Trump, who acted criminally every day of his presidency, with impunity. He was enabled at every rotten turn by the party that gave him political life. Allowing this swine to escape justice will injure this nation in ways as yet imagined, leaving permanent scars, and could well be fatal to our democracy.

And all the suddenly chastened Republican’ts coming with heart in hand professing to defend democracy, when for four foul years they gestated what we saw in our nation’s capital yesterday. They have no honor, however much they may claim it, no matter how sweet their shame-induced words of umbrage, calm, togetherness and defending democracy. They had four years to protect and defend the Constitution and the people of this nation from this obvious traitor, this malignant narcissist who never wanted the highest office in the land, never took seriously his oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic, never carried out the duties of his office, and instead worked tirelessly to promote himself, and undermine the interests of this nation. 

This is not about 20/20 hindsight. All that was needed was a little foresight. Everything was on full display from the moment this hate-mongering, inveterate liar oozed down his golden escalator to throw his already filthy hat into the ring. Donald Trump did not change when he entered the White House. He was always exactly what he is now. A criminal and an autocrat. A sniveling coward who riled up people he would just as soon push aside and spit on. And he never for a moment tried to hide it. Give him and us justice. Before it’s too late.

Aiders and abettors like Ted Cruz, Ron Johnson and Josh Hawley, and Rudy Giuliani, who called for called for “trial by combat”, should be dragged away in leg irons and stripped of their offices while they await trial. Nothing less serves democracy.

The only good thing to come from this disgraceful episode is that this and this alone will now be the legacy of Donald J. Trump, the most disgraced president in American history. Trump makes Richard Nixon look like Abraham Lincoln.

Philadelphia 76ers head coach
Doc Rivers asks the obvious question

I. Mangrey.                                                                                                          


1 comment:

  1. Whew. Where to begin. You nailed it all, so far. When they started calling cops from our county, just amazing. For those who say: don't impeach, don't create a martyr, I say fuck that, so what if 1/3 of the magats think that. They already do.
    20 miles from here. Rudi:prison and disbarrment. Etc.
    We won the damn Senate!
    And Kamala Harris is our VP!
