Monday, April 22, 2024

Fraught For The Earth Day – Crisis Mismanagement

Climates In Crisis

April 22, 2024

On this Earth Day, not only is there an environmental climate crisis around the globe (assuming the Earth is not flat); the people of many countries are in the throes of a political climate crisis. From sea to shining sea, from continent to continent, democracy – whatever it may look like in any given locale – is losing its appeal and its grip. Unsurprisingly, these two crises are intimately intertwined. Trump is doggedly trying to maintain his axis of assholes. While continuing to laud shithead dictators like Putin, Un and Xi, Dickish Donald is making sure to be in good with the worst, including Hungary’s Orban, Argentina’s Milei and any other asshole Trump can get his lips on – figuratively or otherwise.

In Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro was recently ousted by voters after four horrifying years in power, after which he went full Trump with a copycat post-election Big Lie. As is usually the case, fascist assholes like Bolsonaro and Trump are neck-deep in both crises. Bolsonaro’s administration specialized in destruction of the Amazon, earning him the moniker “Captain Chainsaw.” More recently, now out of the political crisis game, Bolsonaro was suspected of harassing a humpback whale in the waters off Brazil’s south-eastern coastline near the town of São Sebastião.

In December 2023, Javier Milei, another Christo-fascist, faux-libertarian jackass, who campaigned brandishing an actual chainsaw, was elected president of Argentina. Fortunately, Trump, who congratulated the world’s newest dictator by saying Milei “will make Argentina great again” does not possess the physical strength to lift anything heavier than a Whopper. It seems likely that Argentina will soon be more fascist than Florida. At least Trump will be able to find safe-haven when he decides to jump bail – like Napoleon, he was never going to be able to handle Russian winters.

Here at home, as we are too well aware, we have a disgraced, twice-impeached, four-time-indicted (so far), failed insurrection leader and Fifth Amendment-dependent ex-one-term-president, currently indicted all over the fucking place for so many, and such egregious acts that he should have been locked up, or shipped off to Elba, ages ago. Instead, this fuckwad is once again his – and I do mean his – party’s nominee for president and is currently leading in the polls over Joe Biden.

Trump is also crushing Biden for King of Senior Moments. And number of indictments.

Back To The End Of The Future

NOVA circa 1983 – The Climate Crisis

From a 1969 (Nixon) White House memo:

“As with so many of the more interesting environmental questions, we really don’t have very satisfactory measurements of the carbon dioxide problem. On the other hand, this very clearly is a problem, and, perhaps most particularly, is one that can seize the imagination of persons normally indifferent to projects of apocalyptic change.”

The memo further stated that dumping more CO2 into the atmosphere

“could increase the average temperature near the earth’s surface by 7 degrees Fahrenheit. This in turn could raise the level of the sea by 10 feet. Goodbye New York. Goodbye Washington, for that matter.”

The Nixon White House memo (did I mention it was produced in 1969, which by some accounts was 55 years ago…in the past) also offered ideas for mitigating the coming (now here) disaster, including

“fairly mammoth man-made efforts to countervail the CO2 rise. (E.g., stop burning fossil fuels. I would think this is a subject that the Administration ought to get involved with.”

 That was the Nixon administration. Richard Nixon. Paranoid, criminal scumbag. In 1969.

Then again, the Greenhouse Effect was initially posited in the 1890s. How we doin’ so far?

To Hell with “America First.”

Freak out…

I mean, Peace Out.

Bullshit, I mean freak the fuck out.

This has been your Special Edition Paying Attention™ Fraught For Earth The Day. 

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