Saturday, April 27, 2024

The Supreme Court Is Not Incompetent…

Just Criminal

April 27, 2024

The case could not be more aptly named: Trump v. United States. After all, Trump has been opposed to the United States for most of his unnecessary life. Trump’s lawyer, D. John Mustard…I mean Sauer continued to use the same ridiculous, yet horrifying argument in pleading before the Supremes that American presidents simply cannot function if even a hint of culpability or responsibility to the laws of the land apply to them. Ridiculous, because it has no basis in even alternate reality, horrifying because all the thing’s men on the Court were happily wallowing around in the feces-filled slop Sauer was spewing.

Sauer repeated his Appellate Court BS that yes, it might be okay for a president to order Seal Team 6 to off his rivals, you know…because. Adding fascism to injury, Sauer upped the ante, saying there might also be circumstances under which a sitting president could legitimately stage a coup. It appears that the five white males on the Court (I’m including Clarence Thomas – the other white meat) are buying this shit since they are simply looking for any reason to help their Big Boy Donald.

The only reason anyone is even talking about this bullshit issue is because Sauer’s client – who just happens to be a life-long conman, thief and very likely a serial rapist, not to mention his new hobbies of election fraud, stealing classified documents and inciting insurrection – has made a mockery of the presidency, democracy and the Constitution.

May It Disease The Court

No other president has caused the issue of absolute presidential immunity to arise, with the possible exception of Richard Nixon, who resigned in the face of impeachment after covering up his crimes against the country. Because Nixon knew he would be pardoned by his hand-picked successor because Nixon knew he could end up in court for his crimes against the country – not to mention his crimes against humanity. Trump’s own attorney, during one of his impeachment trials, insisted that his client should not be impeached because he should instead be tried in civilian court once out of office. Maybe this attorney figured Trump would never be out of office.

Speaking of crimes against humanity, or at least crimes against the American public (well, against the segment – still in the majority – of the American public who do not believe: Trump’s “hair” and skin tone are natural, that he has many bibles in his “house” or that the January 6 coup attempt was just like a Girls Gone Wild video – while pretending to adjudicate the (non-existent) matter of absolute presidential immunity, no mention of the primary reason this absurd conversation even began was permitted. That’s right the Goons Gone Wild, Washington DC Edition of January 6, 2021, which earned Trump a record-breaking second impeachment and an invitation to federal court as the special guest of Jack Smith, was not part of the pro-Trump hearing this past Thursday. Who says it can’t happen here?

Someone saying “It can’t happen here.”

The Court Of Last Distort

Human beer-soaked turd Brett Kavanaugh had the unmitigated gall to note that the pardoning of Nixon is “now looked upon as one of the better decisions in presidential history, I think by most people.” Au contraire, mon fuck-faced, rapey little shit frère. The pardoning of Nixon has left a stain a half-century long on this nation. And we still haven’t been able to shout it out.

So now, we await what should be a no-brainer decision on a case that should never have gotten this far from Trump’s own, owned Supreme Court. It seems frighteningly possible that – whether or not there is such a thing as absolute presidential immunity* – the highly unbalanced (in more ways than one) Court will nonetheless bestow it on Trump. It will be no surprise, however horrific, for this court to upend the Constitution for the umpteenth time, and with it our democracy (which they have been working feverishly to accomplish for years), by deciding that the 45th president has absolute immunity from prosecution.

The Trump majority is now planning on dragging out a claim that should have taken all of 30 seconds to deny – especially for all those self-proclaimed, dangerously deluded, so-called “originalists” who claim to know the founders’ intent with every word they put to parchment.

As we and countless others have noted many times in many places, the founders themselves did not always agree with each other, or even with themselves at times, so there is no such thing as “original intent” when it comes to the Constitution. The dishonest, and all-too-often blatantly hypocritical “originalist” hacks we now have running roughshod over the highest court in the land pretend to revere (much more than did the men who wrote the words) the letter of the law written some 250 years ago. Of course, those men who wrote those words never intended those words to be immutable across the ages. These justices are not originalists so much as absurdists.

“Criminal Court” May Not Mean What You Think It Means

And you can bet that if at least five of the six current absurdists decide in Trump’s favor, they will make it a one-off, just like they did in deciding to appoint George WTF Bush, who lost the 2000 election to Al Gore and became president nonetheless. And their decision will include a rider that it only becomes effective on January 20, 2025 if Trump takes the White House, just in case current president Joe Biden gets any funny ideas about using this newly-created presidential super-power for himself and/or to protect America from a second bite at the worm-infested Trump apple.

The Extreme Six unfortunately treat the Constitution the way they treat the Bible. They say they revere every word, but their actions betray their true feelings as they break their word with the god they claim to serve above, the same way they do with those they are appointed to serve here below. The words they claim to live by both privately and professionally, religiously and politically, are not nearly as valuable to these frauds as the paper any of the words is printed on. They simply pick and choose which words to live by and which to laugh off.

Can you find the six “justices” who are pimping for Trump?

This Just In

It has just been revealed that some guy named George Washington was a really big deal back in the day, it seems he was a president and he’s getting more and more recognition these days. This Washington guy said about the Constitution, “Its only keepers, the people.” I believe he was referring to the “We The People” kind of mentioned in the Constitution thingie, and not six assholes appointed by presidents.

Especially when one of the six is married to a co-conspirator in an attempted coup and three of these lifetime-appointees (including the one married to an insurrectionist) have massive conflicts of interest, and two others were appointed under incredibly spurious circumstance. And especially the current cash-crop most of whom were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote, you know, the vote that represents the will of We The People (one of those presidents also lost the unpopular/Electoral College vote, and was subsequently appointed by five of those Supreme Court assholes, who simply decided to piss all over the Constitution and put their preferred guy in office – an office he ultimately defecated all over).

This Washington guy – as did most of the founders – believed that the Constitution was a living document that could, and probably should be amended and improved over time. As times change, those trying desperately to un-change them are gaining more and more momentum and power.

 It was fun while it lasted. Sort of.

Mose Allison - I Don't Worry About A Thing

*Spoiler Alert: THERE ISN’T.

I. Mangrey for a change.

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